
This is a list of Zero's weapons in Mega Man X: Command Mission.


Weapon Power Armor Shield Speed Obtain Details
Z Saber 2 5 4 -8 Starting weapon 2-hits
Z Saber+ 10 12 10 -11 Starting weapon (Chapter 5) 2-hits
Z Saber++ 24 17 15 -13 Chapter 8 Shop 2-hits
Z Saber+++ 50 30 25 -25 Grave Base Item Gem 2-hits
Flame Saber 34 18 16 -10 Chapter 6 Shop Fire Element
Flame Saber+ 50 30 20 -18 Chapter 10 Shop Fire Element
Ice Saber 36 18 16 -12 Chapter 6 Shop Ice Element
Ice Saber+ 85 22 20 -20 Chapter 10 Shop Ice Element
Thunder Saber 35 20 18 -12 Chapter 6 Shop Thunder Element
Thunder Saber+ 83 23 21 -20 Chapter 10 Shop Thunder Element
Z Ichimonji 20 11 14 -7 Shadow (Drop) 2-hits, break armor, Power 40%
Rei Ichimonji 60 20 25 -9 Colonel Redips (Steal) 2-hits, break armor, Power 40%
Z Rapier 12 3 1-3 -3 Chapter 7 Shop 3-hits, Evasion +5%
Z Rapier+ 40 8 4 -5 Red Stinger (Drop) 3-hits, Evasion +5%
Doubletooth 40 20 24 -16 Vanallia Desert (Mechaniloid) Critical +3%
Doubletooth+ 63 20 18 -20 Chapter 9 Shop Critical +3%
Soul Saber 50 26 30 -15 Cumin's Secret Shop Incresed damage below LE 25%
Red Lotus Saber 80 0 0 -0 Fourtails (Drop)

3-hits, Armor & Shield converted to power
