
Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World is an action platformer developed by Artdink for the Nintendo Switch. The game is a remake of Monster World IV. The original version of the game is included in retail copies of the game. Unlike the original, the game is 2.5D with 3D graphics.


The game is played in 2.5D with movement between the planes at select points.Beyond normal jumping and slashing, The player has a flying pet that can be used to get out of reach items or get a little of extra height. It can also be used in puzzles The player has two meters of health. The blue hearts can be increased by grabbing the blue crystals hidden in levels.

Differences from the Original[]

Beyond the graphics, there are several changes in mechanics. The player is larger than the original and the sword is, in general, a bit shorter. Bosses are also harder with longer invincibility periods after getting hit and harder to manipulate.

External links[]
