
Wind Power(JP) is a Pokémon ability introduced in the ninth generation. It boosts the power of Electric type moves when hit by a wind move. This is the signature ability of the Wattrel family


When a Pokémon with Wind Power gets hit by a Wind move or Tailwind is used, the Pokémon becomes charged. This will increase the power of the next Electric-type move.

The moves that can trigger this ability include the following

  • Air Cutter
  • Bleakwind Storm
  • Blizzard
  • Fairy Wind
  • Gust
  • Heat Wave
  • Hurricane
  • Icy Wind
  • Petal Blizzard
  • Sandsear Storm
  • Sandstorm
  • Springtide Storm
  • Twister
  • Whirlwind
  • Wildbolt Storm

Pokémon with the Ability[]

Wattrel Kilowattrel


  • Wind Power and Electromorphosis both trigger the message, "Being hit by <move> charged <name> with power!"whenever they get hit, even if the Pokémon would faint.
  • Wind Power and Wind Rider are virtually the same effect except Wind Rider take no damage from Wind moves