
Warrior's Way (すれちがい合戦 Surechigai Kassen?, Passing Battle) (titled StreetPass Battle in PAL regions) is a downloadable game for StreetPass Mii Plaza. It was developed by Spike Chunsoft.


In Warrior's Way, the player's chosen Mii is a Monarch over a war-torn kingdom; the Monarch, however, decides to conquer the world to unite the kingdom. But they doesn't have an army to do so. However, the Monarch's butler, Wentworth, points out that the player can use StreetPass to gather war generals to fight on their side; hearing this, the Monarch sets out to gather an army to fight for him and conquer the world. After conquering the world once, a tragic day befell on the Monarch, causing the Monarch to lose all of their countries instantly. Initially, the Monarch became depressed, but Wentworth encourages the Monarch and mentions that they still has their army from before. Invigorated by Wentworth's words, the Monarch sets out to conquer the world a second time.

Gathering Troops[]

Building an army can be done two ways, either by meeting other people via StreetPass, or hiring mercenaries with Play Coins. When StreetPassing 3DS owners who haven't downloaded Warrior's Way, the player will recruit a number of soldiers equal to that person's plaza population (10,000 soldiers in the case of a special Mii). StreetPassing a monarch gives you the options to "Greet Peacefully" or "Attack". Greeting peacefully avoids a battle and the monarch leaves. Sometimes, they may donate a small number of their troops to your army. Attacking the troops initiates a battle with the monarch; their troops will be divided the same way as they were during the latest battle that monarch held before being met. Beating the monarch in battle adds a portion of their troops to your army. Hiring mercenaries requires you to pay 5, 10, or 15 Play Coins. As Wentworth says, sometimes mercenaries may bring more troops than usual when they arrive at the player's castle.


In Warrior's Way, the player assumes the role of a tactician. First, they must divide up their forces into cavalry (rock), archers (scissors), and infantry (paper). While doing this, they will be able to see how the enemy has partitioned their forces, reducing the guesswork. The game will also inform the player if a battalion is guaranteed to win or lose. Wentworth can be paid Play Coins to advise you on how to prepare. It is also important to note that when a player wishes to attempt conquering of a country, they will be shown the size and type of the opposing army. If the player feels they lack sufficient troops to succeed, they can opt-out of battle with no consequence.

Once the player is ready to fight, they must select which battalion to send out. The winner of each skirmish is decided by both groups' numbers and troop type. If a cavalry unit (rock) of 400 faces an archer unit (scissors) of 750, the cavalry will have a 2:1 advantage, resulting in a win. Contrarily, the same cavalry unit could be overtaken by any infantry (paper) unit of over 200 soldiers. Once a unit has battled, it cannot contribute to any subsequent skirmishes. Victory goes to whomever wins two out of the three skirmishes.


After the player's castle reaches rank 5, they gain the ability to spy on the enemy for 2 Play Coins. This will tell the player which of the enemy's units they will send out next, giving the player a huge strategic advantage. At castle rank 11, the player can spy twice per battle, effectively removing all guesswork from the game. At this point, the player would be able to confidently overwhelm an army less than three times their size, in most situations.

Ninja & Berserkers[]

When attempting to conquer a country, the player will come against instances where the monarch's forces will be entirely Ninja or Berserkers, but never both. Ninja have a unique battle symbol, will always have the advantage in battle, and must be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Berserkers retain a rock/paper/scissors troop division. They will have a 3:1 advantage against the same troop type and a whopping 5:1 advantage against the disadvantaged troop type, meaning the player must rely on spying, numbers, and/or sheer luck in order to win.

The Emperor[]

The final country to be conquered is under the reign of The Emperor. This is a unique battle experience, as he will force the player to come against him with all of their army five times. The player will outfit their entire army into one troop type for each turn. Each victory will halve The Emperor's army, each loss will halve the player's, and each tie will simply end the turn. After the fifth turn, if the player has a larger remaining army than the Emperor, they will claim victory.

While the player cannot seek Wentworth's advice or spy, there is some evidence that until beaten, the Emperor's attack pattern will not change. For example, if he chooses rock, paper, paper, scissors, rock, and succeeds, he may choose that exact same pattern upon the next attempt.

Hire Mercenaries[]

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The Cat Mercenaries

Cat Mercenary

The Dog Mercenaries

Dog Mercenary

The player can hire mercenaries to fight in their army, by paying Play Coins. The

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mercenaries, like the Wandering Heroes in Find Mii, are either cats or dogs, depending on the player's preference. Depending on the player's rank and the amount of Play Coins spent, different amounts of mercenaries are hired. The actual amount is never exactly the same as the menu says, only around that number. On a rare occasion, the base number of troops may multiply by ten, which is indicated when extra troops drop in after the hired mercenary.

5 Play Coins 10 Play Coins 15 Play Coins
Rank 1-2 120 --- ---
Rank 3 120 300 ---
Rank 4-5 120 300 750
Rank 6 240 600 1500
Rank 7-8 360 900 2250
Rank 9 480 1200 3000
Rank 10-12 720 1800 4500
Rank 13-14 960 2400 6000
Rank 15-17 1200 3000 7500
Rank 18-20 1440 3600 9000


It is helpful to know that enemy armies have no set size. Once an enemy monarch is defeated, the next monarch's army size will be based on the size of the player's current army. This means that the player cannot simply stockpile a massive army and then conquer a number of countries one right after the other. In this way, the game rewards those who can conquer enemy countries with a minimal number of troops, by sparing them the time and effort of excessive StreetPassing. Below are the monarchs in the order that the player encounters them:

Enemy Image Battle
Beginarr Voila Capture58 Battle 1/21/41/61
Rowdee Voila Capture62 Battle 2/22/42/62
Stuhborne Voila Capture63 Battle 3/23/43/63
Fyurios Voila Capture61 Battle 4/24/44/64
Rheyeldup Voila Capture64 Battle 5/25/45/65
Krankey Voila Capture66 Battle 6/26/46/66
Raejin Voila Capture65 Battle 7/27/47/67
Reygal Voila Capture67 Battle 8/28/48/68
Pompos Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 12.20.58 PM Battle 9/29/49/69
Indawei Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 7.38.22 PM Battle 10/30/50/70
Lehtdown Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 7.53.52 PM Battle 11/31/51/71
Ohneros Screen Shot 2013-07-27 at 7.44.56 AM Battle 12/32/52/72
Rampaijin Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 8.40.30 PM Battle 13/33/53/73
Nastee Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 6.36.13 AM Battle 14/34/54/74
Tiyahd Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 7.37.47 PM Battle 15/35/55/75
Ghalld Voila Capture76 Battle 16/36/56/76
Merselis Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 8.19.10 PM Battle 17/37/57/77
Rihski Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 3.04.27 PM Battle 18/38/58/78
Mystica Voila Capture77 Battle 19/39/59/79
Fynalle Voila Capture79 Battle 20/40/60/80

Special Enemy Warriors[]

Several enemies in Warrior's Way use special warriors, such as Ninjas and Berserkers.

List of users[]

User Image Battle used in
Raejin Voila Capture65 Battle 7/27/47/67
Pompos Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 7.42.01 PM Battle 9/29/49/69
Rampaijin Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 6.35.58 AM Battle 13/33/53/73
Merselis Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 3.03.56 PM Battle 17/37/57/77
Rowdee Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 12.31.02 PM Battle 22
Indawei Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 12.26.34 PM Battle 30
Mystica Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 12.08.59 PM Battle 39
Beginarr Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 5.23.23 PM Battle 41/61
Rowdee Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 5.25.21 PM Battle 42
Krankey Screen Shot 2013-09-07 at 11.13.53 AM Battle 46
Ghalld Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 8.17.38 PM Battle 56
Rihski Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 8.20.56 PM Battle 58
IMG 3639
Battle 63
IMG 3640
Battle 66
IMG 3644
Battle 71
IMG 3645
Battle 73
IMG 3648
Battle 76
IMG 3655
Battle 79


At the beginning of the game, you three choices of what kind of castle you want to start out with. Keep in mind that you cannot interchange between the types of castle you have once you have made your choice.

Medieval Image Futuristic Image Shogun Image Rank Battle Unlocked At Reward
Medieval Castle Rank 1 Futuristic Castle Rank 1 Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 3.07.59 PM Rank 1 Start of game Hire 120 Mercenaries for 5 play coins
Medieval Castle Rank 2 Futuristic Castle Rank 2 Screen Shot 2013-08-04 at 6.45.38 PM Rank 2 Battle 1 Can get advice once per session
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Futuristic Castle Rank 3 Rank 3 Battle 3 Hire 300 mercenaries for 10 play coins
Futuristic Castle Rank 4 Rank 4 Battle 5 Hire 750 mercenaries for 15 play coins
Futuristic Castle Rank 5 Shotgun Castle Rank 5 Rank 5 Battle 7 Can spy once per session
Futuristic Castle Rank 6 Rank 6 Battle 9 Increase mercenaries to 240 / 600 / 1500
Futuristic Castle Rank 7 Rank 7 Battle 11 Increase mercenaries to 360 / 900 / 2250
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Castle level 08
Rank 8 Battle 13 Can get advice twice per session
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Castle level 09
Rank 9

Battle 15

Increase mercenaries to 480 / 1200 / 3000
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Castle level 10
Rank 10 Battle 17 Increase mercenaries to 720 / 1800 / 4500
Voila Capture78 Rank 11 Battle 19 Can spy twice per session
Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 4.37.27 PM Rank 12 Battle 23 Increased chance of soldiers from foreign kings
Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 4.41.33 PM Rank 13 Battle 27 Increase mercenaries to 960 / 2400 / 6000
Medieval Castle 14
Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 4.42.23 PM Rank 14 Battle 31 Can get advice 3 times per session
Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 4.53.13 PM Rank 15 Battle 35 Increase mercenaries to 1200 / 3000 / 7500
Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 4.43.51 PM Rank 16 Battle 39 Can spy 3 times per session
Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 5.50.06 PM Rank 17 Battle 44 Increased chance of soldiers from foreign kings
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Rank 18 Battle 49 Increase mercenaries to 1440 / 3600 / 9000
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Rank 19 Battle 54 No limit on advice
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Rank 20 Battle 59 No limit on spying

Plaza Tickets[]

A total of 22 "Plaza Tickets" can be earned throughout the game by completing different tasks

  1. Build your very own castle.
  2. Hire 20 bands of mercenaries. (NOTE: Soldiers acquired through StreetPass do not count)
  3. Take in 300 groups of soldiers.
  4. Defeat an Enemy larger then yours.
  5. Peacefully greet other monarchs 100 times.
  6. Defeat a monarch from afar.
  7. Defeat 50 monarchs from afar.
  8. Battle monarchs from afar 100 times.
  9. Battle monarchs from afar 300 times.
  10. Defeat 10 monarchs from afar in a row. (NOTE: Selecting 'Greet Peacefully' will not disrupt your streak.)
  11. Defeat an army 1.5 times the size of yours.
  12. Defeat an army twice the size of yours.
  13. Assemble an army 10,000 strong.
  14. Assemble an army 100,000 strong.
  15. Assemble an army 1,000,000 strong.
  16. Conquer a country.
  17. Conquer 10 countries.
  18. Fortify your castle.
  19. Achieve a castle rank of 10.
  20. Achieve a castle rank of 20.
  21. Land your first critical strike.
  22. Conquer the world twice.


  • The enemies' names are based off of words such as "furious", idioms such as "riled up", and phrases such as "In the way".
  • A "critical strike" has a slightly rare chance of occurring during the third segment of a battle if your army is weaker than your opponent's. If this happens, your army will get the upper hand on the battle and will win.


Main article: Warrior's Way/credits