The Wario Land series is a series of platforming games featuring Wario as the protagonist developed originally by Nintendo R&D1. The games focus on Wario trying to get rich by collecting the most treasures. Currently, there is a total of six games in the series.
- Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (1994, GB)
- Virtual Boy Wario Land (1995, VB)
- Wario Land II (1998, GB)
- Wario Land 3 (2000, GBC)
- Wario Land 4 (2001, GBA)
- Wario Land: Shake It! (2008, Wii)
In addition, Wario World (GC) and Wario: Master of Disguise (DS) derive from this series.
Series Elements[]
The penny-pitching of Wario originated from these games.