
"Volcanic Panic" is the 59th (57th outside Japan) episode of Pokémon the Series. It was first broadcast in Japan on August 20, 1998 and in the United States on September 18, 1999. In this episode, Ash Ketchum battled Cinnabar Island Gym Leader Blaine.


Ash continues his quest to attain his Volcano Badge once he finally locates the gym that is suspended above a pool of molten lava! Only a strong fire Pokémon could help him in this battle, so Ash must rely on his misbehaving Charizard to help him win this smoldering match.


After Pikachu barely survives Magmar's Fire Blast from the previous episode, Ash Ketchum begrudgingly forfeits the match. The next day, while he and his friends help heal Pikachu's injuries at the hot springs Team Rocket breaks into the gym and attempt to capture Magmar but end up triggering a volcano. Ash, his friends, Blaine, and their Pokémon work together and eventually triumph in preventing the volcano from blowing and destroying the island. As thanks, Blaine agrees to have a rematch with Ash. Ash's Charizard decides to battle Magmar in a one-on-one match to the surprise of Ash and his friends. After an intense battle where Ash looks set to lose, Charizard manages to turn things around by using its Seismic Toss which results in Magmar being knocked out and finally granting Ash his Volcano Badge...even though Charizard still won't listen to Ash.



The episode was ranked number 6 for the anime's best episodes and Ash and Blaine's battle was ranked number 3 in the anime's best battles, according to WatchMojo.[1][2]



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