
Vigarde is an antagonist in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. He is known as the stalwart Silent Emperor and is the monarch of the Grado Empire and father of Lyon.


Before the events of The Sacred Stones, Vigarde was a wise and kindhearted ruler, whose camaraderie with King Fado of Renais started a lasting friendship between the two nations.

During his travel across Grado, Vigarde's royal procession was set upon by some dogs that were troubling the horses drawing his carriage. A young Glen and Cormag, who were watching the procession and saw the dogs troubling the horses, threw stones to drive them off. Unfortunately, they hit several of his guards in the process, who promptly arrested them for assault. Vigarde, knowing that the boys had good intentions, ordered the two released and invited them to a feast. Taking note of their skills, he offered them a spot in the army, which they accepted, with Glen quickly becoming a member of the original Imperial Three. When Valter went insane after getting his hands on fellow general Duessel's cursed lance, Vigarde dismissed him from service, replacing him with Selena.

One year before the events of the game, Emperor Vigarde died due to a lasting sickness. His death drove his son, Prince Lyon, into despair. By manipulating the Sacred Stone of Grado, also known as the Fire Emblem, which housed the spirit of the Demon King Fomortiis, Lyon managed to bring his father's corpse back to life, but only as a mindless puppet of what it originally used to be. Prince Lyon, now consumed by Fomortiis's spirit, used his father's puppet corpse to orchestrate the destruction of the Sacred Stones.

Vigarde's mood swing was noted by the Imperial Three, although they were unable to determine the root cause of the change. During this time, he also instated three new, questionable generals; Riev, an excommunicated Rausten bishop for his worship of the Demon King, Caellach, a Jehanna mercenary, and Valter. Vigarde then declared war on all of Magvel with the intent to destroy the Sacred Stones, first starting with Renais. Throughout the events of the game, he orders his generals to either defend Grado, set out to destroy the other Sacred Stones or the Renais royal siblings. Selena remained loyal to Vigarde, while Duessel outright defected due to the injustice of Vigarde's war, joining Ephraim's group at Bethroen. Glen was going to defect but was killed by Valter in the mountains of Carcino.

Vigarde's manipulated corpse was eventually fought and killed by Ephraim's group in Chapter 14B, Father and Son. The body then disappeared without a trace.

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