
Ursaluna(JP) is a Ground/Normal type Pokémon introduced in the Eighth Generation game, Pokémon Legends: Arceus. It evolves from Ursaring when exposed to a Peat Block at full moon. It the final form of Teddiursa in Hisui.

In the Teal Mask DLC of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, it has a special form known as Bloodmoon Ursaluna. It is not known to evolve from any other Pokémon. Unlike Hisuian Ursaluna, Bloodmoon is male.

Physiology and Behavior []

Ursaluna is a large, quadrupedal dark brown bearlike Pokémon with a gray pelt around its back, paws, and round tail. The pelt has nine rectangular brown spikes on its back and four rectangular spikes on each side of its head. The front paws have five claws each while the back paws have three claws. Its face has a light-yellow circle resembling a full moon on the forehead, two gray eyebrows resembling clouds, and a light yellow snout that contains a small, black nose and sharp canine teeth.

Ursaluna's evolution is believed to have been triggered by Ursaring being exposed to the swampy terrain of the Hisui region during a full moon. Ursaluna's physique allows it to travel through the swamps with ease, and it can also manipulate peat to its advantage. Ursaluna are known to be good at searching for items, and even missing persons, using their sense of smell.

Ursaluna is implied to be at the brink of extinction in the present day, with only one specimen known to exist, found in Kitakami's Timeless Woods.

A special Ursaluna is worshipped in Hisui for being a descendant of the ten ancient Pokémon blessed by Arceus. It is one of the Ride Pokémon who resides in Crimson Mirelands, watched over by the warden Calaba. This special Ursaluna is known to assist humans.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna[]

A particular Ursaluna has a unique form called Bloodmoon Ursaluna. Known as the Bloodmoon Beast, it is stated that this Ursaluna is the only one known to exist, and is unique in that its altered appearance cannot be attributed to Evolution or form change. The name of this unique Ursaluna comes from the distinctive red moon mark on its forehead.

Taller, bulkier, and lighter in color than a regular Ursaluna, its appearance is otherwise largely similar, except for the full moon-like circular mark on its forehead, which is larger and bright red, resembling a blood moon. Its left eye, which allows it to see in the dark, is black with a green pupil smaller than the right eye's pupil and has what appears to be a scar near the eye. Its hands, legs, chest, back, and the left half of its face are covered in grey mud that is as hard as iron. Unlike regular Ursaluna, this Ursaluna walks on its hind legs (though it still runs on all fours).

This Ursaluna is very old, having used to live in the Hisui region a long time ago until it drifted across the seas and arrived at Kitakami, where it made residence in the land's Timeless Woods. It gained special powers due to adapting to the hard environment of Kitakami. It is highly alert and rarely makes itself seen, but it tends to appear during foggy nights. Bloodmoon Ursaluna can unleash the full brunt of its spirit from the red moon mark in its forehead.


Main Pokémon games[]

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Ursaluna is one of the Ride Pokémon, a descendent of the Ursaluna that the Ancient hero befriended ages ago, it was also beloved by the people of the Hisui region along with the other Ride and Noble Pokémon.

Ursaluna's special form, Bloodmoon Ursaluna debuted in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It was once a regular, male Ursaluna that lived in Hisui, but for unknown reasons, it one day tried crossing the sea and ended up drifting ashore into Kitakami's Timeless Woods.

Pokémon Spinoffs[]

In the anime[]

In the manga[]


In-game Information []

Pokédex Entries []

Title Entry
Pokémon Legends: Arceus I believe it was Hisui's swampy terrain that gave Ursaluna its burly physique and newfound capacity to manipulate peat at will.


Title Entry
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet It crossed the sea and drifted ashore in a new land. Surviving in this place led it to take on a unique appearance and gain special powers.
Pokémon Violet This special Ursaluna can see in the dark with its left eye and protects itself with mud that is as hard as iron.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Evolve Ursaring
Massive mass outbreaks - Crimson Mirelands
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Timeless Woods (Bloodmoon)
Pokémon Violet
Timeless Woods (Bloodmoon)


Reach level 30.
Peat Block
during Full Moon in Hisui

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 130
Attack 140
Defense 105
Sp. Attack 45
Sp. Defense 80
Speed 50
Total 550


Base Stats
HP 113
Attack 70
Defense 120
Sp. Attack 135
Sp. Defense 65
Speed 52
Total 555


Main article: Ursaluna/moveset


Legends Arceus

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • Ursaluna, along with Wyrdeer and Kleavor, are the first cross-generational evolutions that evolve from the original form rather than a Regional form to be introduced since Sylveon in the Sixth Pokémon generation.
    • Coincidentally, their pre-evolutions cannot evolve into them outside of their debut game. In Ursaluna's case, this is due to the absence of the Peat Block.
  • In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, if the player has Bloodmoon Ursaluna registered in the Kitakami Pokédex, its Shiny form is viewable in the Pokédex if they also either have or have had a Shiny regular Ursaluna. As Bloodmoon Ursaluna is Shiny-locked (prevented from being Shiny), this is the only way to see its Shiny form in-game.
  • Bloodmoon Ursaluna is tied with Drampa, Mega Pidgeot, and Porygon-Z for the highest base Special Attack stat of all Normal-type Pokémon.