
Toxel is a species of Pokémon. It is an Electric/Poison type Baby Pokémon introduced in Eighth generation games, Pokémon Sword and Shield. It evolves into Toxtricity at Level 30 with its form depending on nature.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Toxel is a small, quadrupedal, purple, lizard-like baby Pokémon. It has a lightning bolt-like protrusion on its forehead, along with four conical spikes surrounding its head. It has violet eyes with black pupils and white sclerae. Toxel typically has its light purple tongue sticking out of its mouth. Its cheeks are marked with a very pale whitish lavender spot on each side. Its chest also has a pale lavender-white spot, heavily resembling a baby's bib. Its lower half is light purple with lines running down the sides, resembling a diaper and entirely covering its short, tapering tail. Its arms and legs have two stubby fingers and toes each, with pale white spots under the toes and palms. Toxel also has two white spots on its back, just below its head.

Toxel has two sacs inside its body, one to store poison and one to store electricity. It is able to drink dirty water and filter it into a poison that is harmless to it. By manipulating the chemical makeup of this poison, it can produce electricity. Toxel relays the electric poison through its skin. While the voltage produced by this electrified poison is weak, it can cause a tingling paralysis if touched. Toxel has a selfish nature and loves seeking attention.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

In the anime[]


Toxel may be based on different lizard and frog species, mainly a poison dart frog due to its Poison typing and toxic skin. It may also be based on a human baby as its bottom-half closely resembles a diaper, the white spot on its chest is similar to a bib, and it also crawls on its hands and has temper tantrums. The spikes on Toxel's head make it resemble an Ankylosaurus. The two white circles on its back are based on Mongolian spots.

In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword It stores poison in an internal poison sac and secretes that poison through its skin. If you touch this Pokémon, a tingling sensation follows.
Pokémon Shield It manipulates the chemical makeup of its poison to produce electricity. The voltage is weak, but it can cause a tingling paralysis.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet It has no problem drinking dirty water. An organ inside Toxel’s body filters such water into a poisonous liquid that is harmless to Toxel.
Pokémon Violet This selfish, attention-seeking Pokémon stores poison and electricity in two different sacs inside its body.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Received from a Pokémon Breeder inside the Pokémon Nursery on Route 5
Route 7, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Cap, Stony Wilderness, Bridge Field, Motostoke Riverbank
East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Shield
Received from a Pokémon Breeder inside the Pokémon Nursery on Route 5
Route 7, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Cap, Stony Wilderness, Bridge Field, Motostoke Riverbank
East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills (Max Raid Battle)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Four, Area Six
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Four, Area Six


Level 30
Form depending on Nature
PKMNSV849-Low Key

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 40
Attack 38
Defense 35
Sp. Attack 54
Sp. Defense 35
Speed 40
Total 242



Sword Shield

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • No other Pokémon have the same type combination as Toxel and its evolved form.
  • Toxel is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 242.
  • Toxel is the first baby Pokémon introduced since the fourth generation, and is the only baby Pokémon to be introduced alone in a generation.
  • Among the natures Toxel can have, if it has one that lowers the Attack stat, it will always evolve into Low-Key Form Toxtricity; likewise, if Toxel has a nature that lowers the Special Defense stat, it will always evolve into Amped Form Toxtricity.