Throh is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with a bulky, red body and rocky skin. Its head is round and low on its shoulders with a T-shaped black feature that forms its nose and brow. Its hands and feet each have three digits, with its fingers being rounded. It wears a white judogi with a black, v-neck collar that extends down to its black belt. The gi has an integrated diamond pattern on its sleeves and a black, square patch on the bend of its knees. Throh is a male-only species.
Throh travel and train in packs consisting of five members. Any member of the group that cannot keep up will throw away their belt and leave the group. It weaves its black belt from vines and ties the belt to increase its power. The belt grows darker as it absorbs more of Throh's sweat. It is driven to throw larger opponents and will always try to do so.
In both the anime and PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond, Throh is slightly taller than Sawk despite being four inches (10 centimetres) shorter than it according to the Pokédex.