The Legend of Thunder! (Pocket Monsters Crystal: Raikou - Legend of Thunder in Japan) is a made-for-TV anime movie of Pokémon the Series that originally aired in Japan on December 30, 2001. It was dubbed as the first three episodes of Pokémon Chronicles, which first aired in the United Kingdom on 2005 and in the United States on 2006. The TV movie is made to promote Pokémon Crystal.
This special was released between Hatching a Plan and Dues and Don'ts in Japan.
This special was later released on DVD for Japan, as well as Taiwan and mainland China.
In Japan, the opening and closing theme for the special is A New Oath. However, the Johto PokéRap was played in English ( Pokémon Chronicles theme for Toonami).
By the time this special aired in the dub, Eugene and Vincent had already been seen before in For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll and Love, Pokémon Style, respectively. In the episodes in question, they were named as Eusine and Jackson.
This special marks the first time that any characters based on game protagonists have appeared besides Ash Ketchum, who is based on Red.
This special has the longest time between the original airings in Japanese and English, taking three and a half years to air dubbed.