The Terrace from Super Mario Galaxy
The Terrace is the first dome where the player can go in Super Mario Galaxy . In the dome, they can go to multiple galaxies and those galaxies have multiple levels in them.
Galaxies [ ]
Levels [ ]
Good Egg Galaxy [ ]
Dino Piranha
A Snack of Cosmic Proportions
King Kaliente's Battle Fleet
Dino Piranha Speed Run
Purple Coin Omelette
Luigi on the Roof
Honeyhive Galaxy [ ]
Bee Mario Takes Flight! (Bee Luigi Takes Flight! when playing as Luigi )
Trouble on the Tower
Big Bad Bugaboom
Honeyhive Cosmic Mario Race (Honeyhive Cosmic Luigi Race when playing as Luigi)
The Honeyhive's Purple Coins
Luigi in the Honeyhive Galaxy
Loopdeeloop Galaxy [ ]
Flipswitch Galaxy [ ]
Painting the Planet Yellow
Bowser Jr.'s Lava Reactor [ ]
Sweet Sweet Galaxy (Hungry Luma Galaxy) [ ]