
TM, or Technical Machines, are an item in the Pokémon series. They are special disc-like objects that can teach an eligible Pokémon the move that it contains even if that Pokémon normally can't learn it in the wild. TMs fill a similar function to spell scrolls in more traditional fantasy Role-playing games, though as Pokémon takes place in a modern setting, they have been reimagined as CD-ROMs. TMs have a special counterpart called HMs, short for Hidden Machines, which will not break down after use but, require to be deleted by Move Deleter. It is usually a reward for completing a challenge like beating a Gym Lead


A TM can be used to teach a Pokémon a specific move. Unlike its similar counterparts, HMs, TMs break after a single use disappearing from the player's inventory. This is not true in from the fifth generation to the eighth generation. In the main series games, several TMs are given out by notable trainers and Gym Leaders, with a great many more are found in the field. A select few can be purchased at PokéMarts or can be exchanged for coins at Game Corners. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, there are also TRs, also known as Technical Records, which behave similarly to TMs in older games. They teach more powerful moves but are only acquired from specific Wild Area merchants or as rewards for Raids. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, TMs and TRs are remerged into a single item category and are still given as rewards for field exploration or gym leader challenges but, they are expended after a single use again and have to be crafted using materials acquired from beating Pokémon.

Generation I[]

Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow are examples of Generation I games.

No. Move Location Price
TM01 TM01 Mega Punch Mt. Moon,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM02 TM02 Razor Wind Rocket Hideout,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM03 TM03 Swords Dance Silph Co. N/A
TM04 TM04 Whirlwind Route 4 N/A
TM05 TM05 Mega Kick Victory Road,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM06 TM06 Toxic Prize for defeating Koga N/A
TM07 TM07 Horn Drill Rocket Hideout,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM08 TM08 Body Slam S.S. Anne N/A
TM09 TM09 Take Down Silph Co.,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM10 TM10 Double-Edge Rocket Hideout N/A
TM11 TM11 BubbleBeam Prize for defeating Misty
TM12 TM12 Water Gun Mt. Moon N/A
TM13 TM13 Ice Beam Celadon Department Store roof N/A
TM14 TM14 Blizzard Pokémon Mansion N/A
TM15 TM15 Hyper Beam Rocket Game Corner 5500
TM16 TM16 Pay Day Route 12 N/A
TM17 TM17 Submission Victory Road,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM18 TM18 Counter Celadon Department Store N/A
TM19 TM19 Seismic Toss Route 25 N/A
TM20 TM20 Rage Route 15 N/A
TM21 TM21 Mega Drain Prize for defeating Erika N/A
TM22 TM22 Solar Beam Pokémon Mansion N/A
TM23 TM23 Dragon Rage Rocket Game Corner 3300
TM24 TM24 Thunderbolt Prize for defeating Lt. Surge N/A
TM25 TM25 Thunder Kanto Power Plant N/A
TM26 TM26 Earthquake Silph Co. N/A
TM27 TM27 Fissure Prize for defeating Giovanni N/A
TM28 TM28 Dig Cerulean City N/A
TM29 TM29 Psychic Saffron City N/A
TM30 TM30 Teleport Route 9 N/A
TM31 TM31 Mimic Saffron City N/A
TM32 TM32 Double Team Safari Zone,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar1000
TM33 TM33 Reflect Kanto Power Plant,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar1000
TM34 TM34 Bide Prize for defeating Brock N/A
TM35 TM35 Metronome Pokémon Lab N/A
TM36 TM36 Selfdestruct Silph Co. N/A
TM37 TM37 Egg Bomb Safari Zone,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM38 TM38 Fire Blast Prize for defeating Blaine N/A
TM39 TM39 Swift Route 12 N/A
TM40 TM40 Skull Bash Safari Zone N/A
TM41 TM41 Softboiled Celadon City N/A
TM42 TM42 Dream Eater Viridian City N/A
TM43 TM43 Sky Attack Victory Road N/A
TM44 TM44 Rest S.S. Anne N/A
TM45 TM45 Thunder Wave Route 24 N/A
TM46 TM46 Psywave Prize for defeating Sabrina N/A
TM47 TM47 Explosion Victory Road N/A
TM48 TM48 Rock Slide Celadon Department Store roof N/A
TM49 TM49 Tri Attack Celadon Department Store roof N/A
TM50 TM50 Substitute Rocket Game Corner 7700

Generation II[]

No. Move Location Price
TM01 TM01 DynamicPunch Prize for defeating Chuck N/A
TM02 TM02 Headbutt Ilex Forest,
Goldenrod Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM03 TM03 Curse Celadon Mansion N/A
TM04 TM04 Rollout Route 35 N/A
TM05 TM05 Roar Route 32 N/A
TM06 TM06 Toxic Prize for defeating Janine N/A
TM07 TM07 Zap Cannon Kanto Power Plant N/A
TM08 TM08 Rock Smash Route 36,
Goldenrod Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM09 TM09 Psych Up Traded Abra and Kadabra from Generation I N/A
TM10 TM10 Hidden Power Lake of Rage,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM11 TM11 Sunny Day Goldenrod Radio Tower,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM12 TM12 Sweet Scent Route 34 N/A
TM13 TM13 Snore Moomoo Farm,
Dark Cave
TM14 TM14 Blizzard Goldenrod Game Corner 5500
TM15 TM15 Hyper Beam Celadon Game Corner 7500
TM16 TM16 Icy Wind Prize for defeating Pryce N/A
TM17 TM17 Protect Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000
TM18 TM18 Rain Dance Slowpoke Well,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar2000
TM19 TM19 Giga Drain Prize for defeating Erika N/A
TM20 TM20 Endure Burned Tower N/A
TM21 TM21 Frustration Goldenrod Department Store N/A
TM22 TM22 Solar Beam Route 27 N/A
TM23 TM23 Iron Tail Prize for defeating Jasmine N/A
TM24 TM24 Dragon Breath Prize for defeating Clair N/A
TM25 TM25 Thunder Goldenrod Game Corner 5500
TM26 TM26 Earthquake Victory Road N/A
TM27 TM27 Return Goldenrod Department Store N/A
TM28 TM28 Dig National Park N/A
TM29 TM29 Psychic Saffron City,
Celadon Game Corner
TM30 TM30 Shadow Ball Prize for defeating Morty N/A
TM31 TM31 Mud-Slap Prize for defeating Falkner N/A
TM32 TM32 Double Team Celadon Game Corner 1500
TM33 TM33 Ice Punch Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000
TM34 TM34 Swagger Olivine Lighthouse N/A
TM35 TM35 Sleep Talk Goldenrod Department Store basement /A
TM36 TM36 Sludge Bomb Route 43 N/A
TM37 TM37 Sandstorm Route 27,
Celadon Department Store
TM38 TM38 Fire Blast Goldenrod Game Corner 5500
TM39 TM39 Swift Union Cave N/A
TM40 TM40 Defense Curl Mt. Mortar N/A
TM41 TM41 ThunderPunch Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000
TM42 TM42 Dream Eater Viridian City N/A
TM43 TM43 Detect Lake of Rage N/A
TM44 TM44 Rest Ice Path N/A
TM45 TM45 Attract Prize for defeating Whitney N/A
TM46 TM46 Thief Team Rocket HQ N/A
TM47 TM47 Steel Wing Route 28,
Rock Tunnel
TM48 TM48 Fire Punch Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000
TM49 TM49 Fury Cutter Prize for defeating Bugsy N/A
TM50 TM50 Nightmare Route 31 after delivering Randy's mail N/A

Generation III[]

No. Move Location Price
Hoenn Kanto/Sevii Hoenn Kanto/Sevii
TM01 TM01 Focus Punch Route 115,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 71-90)*
Silph Co. N/A
TM02 TM02 Dragon Claw Meteor Falls Victory Road N/A
TM03 TM03 Water Pulse Prize for defeating Wallace*/Juan* Prize for defeating Misty N/A
TM04 TM04 Calm Mind Prize for defeating Tate and Liza Prize for defeating Sabrina N/A
TM05 TM05 Roar Route 114 Route 4,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar1000
TM06 TM06 Toxic Fiery Path Prize for defeating Koga N/A
TM07 TM07 Hail Shoal Cave Victory Road N/A
TM08 TM08 Bulk Up Prize for defeating Brawly Silph Co. N/A
TM09 TM09 Bullet Seed Route 104 Mt. Moon N/A
TM10 TM10 Hidden Power Fortree City,
Slateport City
Pickup (5% chance) Pokémon Dollar3000


TM11 TM11 Sunny Day Scorched Slab,
Trainer Hill*
Safari Zone N/A
TM12 TM12 Taunt Trick House Rocket Hideout N/A
TM13 TM13 Ice Beam Abandoned Ship,
Mauville Game Corner
Rocket Game Corner 4000
TM14 TM14 Blizzard Lilycove Department Store Pokémon Mansion Pokémon Dollar5500 N/A
TM15 TM15 Hyper Beam Lilycove Department Store Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar7500
TM16 TM16 Light Screen Lilycove Department Store Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000 N/A
TM17 TM17 Protect Lilycove Department Store Kanto Power Plant Pokémon Dollar3000 N/A
TM18 TM18 Rain Dance Abandoned Ship Route 15 N/A
TM19 TM19 Giga Drain Route 123,
Trainer Hill*
Prize for defeating Erika N/A
TM20 TM20 Safeguard Lilycove Department Store Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000 N/A
TM21 TM21 Frustration Pacifidlog Town Rocket Hideout N/A
TM22 TM22 Solar Beam Safari Zone Pokémon Mansion N/A
TM23 TM23 Iron Tail Meteor Falls Rocket Game Corner N/A 3500
TM24 TM24 Thunderbolt Gift from Wattson,
Mauville Game Corner
Rocket Game Corner 4000
TM25 TM25 Thunder Lilycove Department Store Kanto Power Plant Pokémon Dollar5500 N/A
TM26 TM26 Earthquake Seafloor Cavern,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 91-100)*
Prize for defeating Giovanni N/A
TM27 TM27 Return Fallarbor Town,
Pacifidlog Town
Route 12 N/A
TM28 TM28 Dig Route 114 Cerulean City,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar2000
TM29 TM29 Psychic Mauville Game Corner,
Victory Road
Saffron City 3500 N/A
TM30 TM30 Shadow Ball Mt. Pyre Rocket Game Corner N/A 4500
TM31 TM31 Brick Break Sootopolis City,
Trainer Hill*
Celadon Department Store,
S.S. Anne
N/A Pokémon Dollar3000
TM32 TM32 Double Team Route 113,
Mauville Game Corner
Safari Zone 1500 N/A
TM33 TM33 Reflect Lilycove Department Store Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000 N/A
TM34 TM34 Shock Wave Prize for defeating Wattson Prize for defeating Lt. Surge N/A
TM35 TM35 Flamethrower Mauville Game Corner Rocket Game Corner 4000
TM36 TM36 Sludge Bomb Dewford Town Rocket Warehouse N/A
TM37 TM37 Sandstorm Route 111 Victory Road N/A
TM38 TM38 Fire Blast Lilycove Department Store Prize for defeating Blaine Pokémon Dollar5500 N/A
TM39 TM39 Rock Tomb Prize for defeating Roxanne Prize for defeating Brock N/A
TM40 TM40 Aerial Ace Prize for defeating Winona Route 9 N/A
TM41 TM41 Torment Slateport City Silph Co. N/A
TM42 TM42 Facade Prize for defeating Norman Memorial Pillar N/A
TM43 TM43 Secret Power Route 111,
Slateport City
Route 24,
Celadon Department Store
Pokémon Dollar3000
TM44 TM44 Rest Lilycove City,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 51-70)*
S.S. Anne N/A
TM45 TM45 Attract Verdanturf Town Route 24,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar3000
TM46 TM46 Thief Slateport City Mt. Moon N/A
TM47 TM47 Steel Wing Granite Cave Safari Zone N/A
TM48 TM48 Skill Swap Mt. Pyre Route 12 N/A
TM49 TM49 Snatch S.S. Tidal Rocket Hideout N/A
TM50 TM50 Overheat Prize for defeating Flannery Victory Road N/A

Generation IV[]

No. Move Location Price
Sinnoh Johto/Kanto Sinnoh Johto/Kanto
TM01 TM01 Focus Punch Oreburgh Gate,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 71-90)
Prize for defeating Chuck N/A
TM02 TM02 Dragon Claw Mt. Coronet Route 27,
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM03 TM03 Water Pulse Ravaged Path Prize for defeating Misty N/A
TM04 TM04 Calm Mind Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize Battle Frontier prize 48BP
TM05 TM05 Roar Route 213 Route 32 N/A
TM06 TM06 Toxic Route 212,
Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize
Battle Frontier prize 32BP
TM07 TM07 Hail Route 212*,
Route 217
Prize for defeating Pryce,
Pokéwalker (Icy Mountain Rd.)
10 Green Shards* N/A
TM08 TM08 Bulk Up Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize Battle Frontier prize 48BP
TM09 TM09 Bullet Seed Route 204 Route 32 N/A
TM10 TM10 Hidden Power Trainers' School*,
Veilstone Game Corner
Lake of Rage,
Celadon Game Corner,
Pokéwalker (Quiet Cave)
TM11 TM11 Sunny Day Route 212 Goldenrod Radio Tower,
Pokéwalker (Blue Lake)
10 Red Shards* N/A
TM12 TM12 Taunt Route 211 Route 34 outpost,
Burned Tower,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar1500
TM13 TM13 Ice Beam Route 216,
Veilstone Game Corner
Goldenrod Game Corner,
Seafoam Islands
TM14 TM14 Blizzard Lake Acuity,
Veilstone Department Store
Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar5500
TM15 TM15 Hyper Beam Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store,
Pokéwalker (Quiet Cave)
Pokémon Dollar7500
TM16 TM16 Light Screen Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM17 TM17 Protect Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM18 TM18 Rain Dance Route 212*,
Route 223
Slowpoke Well,
Pokéwalker (Dim Cave)
10 Blue Shards* N/A
TM19 TM19 Giga Drain Route 209 Prize for defeating Erika N/A
TM20 TM20 Safeguard Veilstone Department Store Celadon Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM21 TM21 Frustration Veilstone Game Corner,
Team Galactic HQ
Celadon Department Store 8000 Pokémon Dollar1000
TM22 TM22 Solar Beam Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar3000
TM23 TM23 Iron Tail Iron Island Prize for defeating Jasmine N/A
TM24 TM24 Thunderbolt Veilstone Game Corner,
Valley Windworks
Goldenrod Game Corner,
Cerulean Cave
Pokémon Dollar10000
TM25 TM25 Thunder Lake Valor,
Veilstone Department Store
Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar5500
TM26 TM26 Earthquake Wayward Cave (secret entrance under bike path),
Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 91-100)
Victory Road,
Battle Frontier prize,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 91-100)
TM27 TM27 Return Veilstone Game Corner,
Sandgem TownPt
Goldenrod Department Store,
Celadon Department Store
8000 Pokémon Dollar1000
TM28 TM28 Dig Maniac Tunnel National Park,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar2000
TM29 TM29 Psychic Veilstone Game Corner,
Route 211
Celadon Game Corner,
Saffron City,
Pokéwalker (Night Sky's Edge)
TM30 TM30 Shadow Ball Route 210,
Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize
Prize for defeating Morty,
Battle Frontier prize
64 BP
TM31 TM31 Brick Break Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Oreburgh Gate (basement)
Battle Frontier prize 40BP
TM32 TM32 Double Team Wayward Cave,
Veilstone Game Corner
Celadon Game Corner 4000
TM33 TM33 Reflect Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM34 TM34 Shock Wave Route 215 Prize for defeating Lt. Surge N/A
TM35 TM35 Flamethrower Veilstone Game Corner,
Fuego Ironworks
Goldenrod Game Corner,
Route 28
TM36 TM36 Sludge Bomb Galactic Warehouse,
Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize
Route 43,
Battle Frontier prize
TM37 TM37 Sandstorm Route 212*,
Route 228
Route 27,
Pokéwalker (Town Outskirts)
10 Yellow Shards* N/A
TM38 TM38 Fire Blast Lake Verity,
Veilstone Department Store
Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar5500
TM39 TM39 Rock Tomb Ravaged Path Union Cave N/A
TM40 TM40 Aerial Ace Route 213,
Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize
Mt. Mortar,
Battle Frontier prize
40 BP
TM41 TM41 Torment Victory Road Route 8,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar1500
TM42 TM42 Facade Survival Area Goldenrod City Lottery N/A
TM43 TM43 Secret Power Amity Square Lake of Rage N/A
TM44 TM44 Rest Veilstone Game Corner,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 51-70)
Route 31,
Goldenrod Game Corner
TM45 TM45 Attract Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Amity Square
Prize for defeating Whitney,
Battle Frontier prize
TM46 TM46 Thief Eterna City Team Rocket HQ N/A
TM47 TM47 Steel Wing Route 209 Route 28 N/A
TM48 TM48 Skill Swap Canalave City Prize for defeating Sabrina N/A
TM49 TM49 Snatch Galactic Warehouse Team Rocket HQ N/A
TM50 TM50 Overheat Stark Mountain Prize for defeating Blaine N/A
TM51 TM51 Roost Route 210 Prize for defeating Falkner N/A
TM52 TM52 Focus Blast Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar5500
TM53 TM53 Energy Ball Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Route 226
Battle Frontier prize 64BP
TM54 TM54 False Swipe Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM55 TM55 Brine Prize for defeating Crasher Wake Celadon Department Store,
Route 19
N/A Pokémon Dollar3000
TM56 TM56 Fling Route 222 Rock Tunnel,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 51-70)
TM57 TM57 Charge Beam Prize for defeating Volkner Olivine City,
Kanto Power Plant (after returning the Machine Part),
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM58 TM58 Endure Veilstone Game Corner Celadon Game Corner 2000
TM59 TM59 Dragon Pulse Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Victory Road
Prize for defeating Clair,
Battle Frontier prize
TM60 TM60 Drain Punch Prize for defeating Maylene Route 39,
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM61 TM61 Will-O-Wisp Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize Battle Frontier prize 32BP
TM62 TM62 Silver Wind Route 212 Route 6,
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM63 TM63 Embargo Veilstone City Route 34 N/A
TM64 TM64 Explosion Veilstone Game Corner Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6) N/A RageCandyBar
TM65 TM65 Shadow Claw Prize for defeating Fantina Route 42,
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM66 TM66 Payback Route 215 Route 35 N/A
TM67 TM67 Recycle Eterna Condominiums Celadon City N/A
TM68 TM68 Giga Impact Veilstone Game Corner Celadon Game Corner,
Pokéwalker (White Lake)
20000 15000
TM69 TM69 Rock Polish Mt. Coronet Route 10 N/A
TM70 TM70 Flash Veilstone Department Store,
Oreburgh Gate (basement)
Sprout Tower,
Goldenrod Department Store
Pokémon Dollar1000
TM71 TM71 Stone Edge Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Victory Road
Battle Frontier prize 80BP
TM72 TM72 Avalanche Prize for defeating Candice Ice Path,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar3000
TM73 TM73 Thunder Wave Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize Battle Frontier prize 32BP
TM74 TM74 Gyro Ball Veilstone Game Corner Celadon Game Corner 15000 10000
TM75 TM75 Swords Dance Veilstone Game Corner Goldenrod Game Corner 4000
TM76 TM76 Stealth Rock Prize for defeating Roark Celadon Department Store,
Mt. Silver Cave
N/A Pokémon Dollar2000
TM77 TM77 Psych Up Route 211 Viridian Forest N/A
TM78 TM78 Captivate Route 204 Celadon Department Store N/A Pokémon Dollar1500
TM79 TM79 Dark Pulse Victory Road Victory Road,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar3000
TM80 TM80 Rock Slide Mt. Coronet Prize for defeating Brock N/A
TM81 TM81 X-Scissor Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize,
Route 221
Battle Frontier prize 64BP
TM82 TM82 Sleep Talk Eterna Forest Goldenrod Tunnel N/A
TM83 TM83 Natural Gift Veilstone Department Store Goldenrod Department Store Pokémon Dollar2000
TM84 TM84 Poison Jab Route 212 Prize for defeating Janine N/A
TM85 TM85 Dream Eater Valor Lakefront Viridian City N/A
TM86 TM86 Grass Knot Prize for defeating Gardenia Route 11,
Pickup (1% chance, lv 71-90)
TM87 TM87 Swagger Pokémon Mansion Olivine Lighthouse,
Celadon Department Store
N/A Pokémon Dollar1500
TM88 TM88 Pluck Floaroma Town Route 40 N/A
TM89 TM89 U-turn Veilstone Game Corner,
Canalave City
Prize for defeating Bugsy,
Battle Frontier prize
6000 40BP
TM90 TM90 Substitute Veilstone Game Corner,
Old Chateau
Goldenrod Game Corner 2000
TM91 TM91 Flash Cannon Prize for defeating Byron Route 9,
Goldenrod City Lottery
TM92 TM92 Trick Room Route 213 Prize for defeating Blue N/A

Generation V[]

No. Move Location Price

Generation VI[]

No. Move Location Price
Kalos Hoenn Kalos Hoenn

Generation VII[]

No. Move Location Price
Alola Kanto Alola Kanto

Generation VIII[]


Generation IX[]

Technical Machines
001 • 002 • 003 • 004 • 005 • 006 • 007 • 008 • 009 • 010 • 011 • 012 • 013 • 014 • 015 • 016 • 017 • 018 • 019 • 020
021 • 022 • 023 • 024 • 025 • 026 • 027 • 028 • 029 • 030 • 031 • 032 • 033 • 034 • 035 • 036 • 037 • 038 • 039 • 040
041 • 042 • 043 • 044 • 045 • 046 • 047 • 048 • 049 • 050 • 051 • 052 • 053 • 054 • 055 • 056 • 057 • 058 • 059 • 060
061 • 062 • 063 • 064 • 065 • 066 • 067 • 068 • 069 • 070 • 071 • 072 • 073 • 074 • 075 • 076 • 077 • 078 • 079 • 080
081 • 082 • 083 • 084 • 085 • 086 • 087 • 088 • 089 • 090 • 091 • 092 • 093 • 094 • 095 • 096 • 097 • 098 • 099 • 100
101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120
121 • 122 • 123 • 124 • 125 • 126 • 127 • 128 • 129 • 130 • 131 • 132 • 133 • 134 • 135 • 136 • 137 • 138 • 139 • 140
141 • 142 • 143 • 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 150 • 151 • 152 • 153 • 154 • 155 • 156 • 157 • 158 • 159 • 160
161 • 162 • 163 • 164 • 165 • 166 • 167 • 168 • 169 • 170 • 171 • 172 • 173 • 174 • 175 • 176 • 177 • 178 • 179 • 180
181 • 182 • 183 • 184 • 185 • 186 • 187 • 188 • 189 • 190 • 191 • 192 • 193 • 194 • 195 • 196 • 197 • 198 • 199 • 200
201 • 202 • 203 • 204 • 205 • 206 • 207 • 208 • 209 • 210 • 211 • 212 • 213 • 214 • 215 • 216 • 217 • 218 • 219 • 220
221 • 222 • 223 • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 • 228 • 229
Technical Records
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08 • 09 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40
41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 • 49 • 50 • 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60
61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 70 • 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 • 75 • 76 • 77 • 78 • 79 • 80
81 • 82 • 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 • 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 94 • 95 • 96 • 97 • 98 • 99
Hidden Machines
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08