Tamagotchi is a virtual pet franchise from Bandai that was created in 1996. Once released, it became a huge fad, and soon thereafter died down and was rebooted in 2004 With Tamagotchi Connection. the series formerly had video games and almost all of them were released in a Nintendo console like the Nintendo DS and the Wii. The series mascot called Mametchi appeared in Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 as a playable guest character with Tamagotchi themed advertisements in Waluigi Cup. It also has a spin-off named Digmon that was created as a Tamagotchi appealing to boys.
List of games[]
- Tamagotchi- Game Boy
- Game de Hakken!! Tamagotchi 2 - Game Boy
- Tamagotchi 64: Minna de Tamagotchi World - Nintendo 64
- Game de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Osucchi to Mesucchi - Game Boy
- Tamagotchi Town - Super Famicom
- Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2 - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi: Party On! - Wii
- Tamagotchi no Appare! Niji-Venture - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 3 - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi no Furifuri Kagekidan - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi Kira Kira Omisecchi - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi no Narikiri Channel - Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi no Pichi Pichi Omisecchi- Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi no Narikiri Challenge- Nintendo DS
- Tamagotchi Collection- Nintendo DS
- Cho~ricchi! Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisecchi - Nintendo 3DS
- Ouchi Mainichi TamagotchiTamagotchi no Doki Doki Dream Omisecchi - Nintendo 3DS
- Tamagotchi! Seishun no Dream School - Nintendo 3DS
- Guruguru Tamagotchi! - Nintendo 3DS
- Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisechi: Ninki no Omise Atsume Maseta - Nintendo 3DS