
Just Wanted to ask if anyone know's what the highest score on this game is (Not the Highest Possible, like the highest anyone has ever legitametly achieved). If not, i was wondering if anyone could provide screenshots of their highest scores to compare, as I'm interested in how well I'm doing in the game. This can include picture from an arcade game, NES, Wii, or any other playable version of the original came, as long as we can see it's not a picture from some modified emulator version where you can skip levels and have extra lives to get bigger scores. Thanks!

Btw this wouldn't count Brian Mitchell's record for the game, as it is to my understanding, he used an emulator version which potentially could have let him jump levels without anyone noticing, hence his supposed 'score' can really be 100% proved. As of this time I'm playing on the NES Version and reached a score of 18020.

Pizzafan300 (talk) 19:11, March 26, 2020 (UTC)Pizzafan300