
I had this game on my watchlist for a while now, because it looked sort of interesting... But then I saw the American cutscene. Part of my soul died. I lost 7 precious minutes of my lift in which I will never get back. That's all I will say on the matter. - BattleFranky202 19:33, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

I can't watch videos on my computer at the moment, so I can't see it, but I'm just going to guess that it has something to do with the English voice overs. For the life of me I can't figure out why it is so hard for these companies to get good actors. Nintendo basically misses the target every time. Metroid: Other M has some of the worst acting I've ever seen from a high-caliber title, though there have been some winners, namely the Professor Layton games (great choices) and the Star Fox games (so cheesy that it works). Basically, though, I'm satisfied with just text accompanied by the character saying something unintelligible (such as in Animal Crossing and Pikmin 2). -- Bentendo Talk 19:56, September 8, 2010 (UTC)
OH GOD, say it ain't so! I've seen quite a few bad cutscenes and I feel like if the cutscenes are that bad, I couldn't possibly sit through them, even if they were good games! I mean, I've been looking forward to Other M for the longest time, and I don't want it to be brought down by something like bad voice acting! - BattleFranky202 20:28, September 8, 2010 (UTC)