
Spiritomb(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation.

Spiritomb has a legend in Sinnoh where it can be encountered if the player has the Odd Keystone and encounters 40 people underground, it can be found on Route 209.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Spiritomb is a ghostly purple Pokémon attached to a stone. Although lacking a physical body, Spiritomb projects its appearance out of a small rock called the Odd Keystone. The rock is trapezoidal in shape and has two small dots. There is a crack running down the middle, splitting in two near the bottom. The crack in combination with the two dots appears to form a frowning face. Spiritomb's projected appearance is an ethereal composition of swirling purple fog. Its face is set in the middle of the fog and contains green, crescent eyes that are connected to its jagged mouth. Its pupils are composed of a spiral and it is sometimes only seen with one. Swirling around its face are green orbs with yellow centers.

Spiritomb is formed by a collection of 108 spirits, some of which are ill-natured. This collection of spirits is known for its misdeeds; thus, as punishment, the spirits were trapped to its Odd Keystone by a traveler using a mysterious spell. Several Pokédex entries state that Spiritomb was sealed roughly 500 years before the present time. The Pokémon lays curses with its wicked thoughts. It will lash out at anyone with little thought, often exercising short-sightedness in its pursuit of vengeance. It is rarely encountered in the wild. In most media, Spiritomb moves its body primarily through levitation; though in the core series games, it can only appear to do so through dragging the Odd Keystone across the ground.

Spiritomb can be just as aggressive and destructive as the spirits that it is composed of. It is also revealed that anyone possessed by one of Spiritomb's spirits will start to cause misdeeds, and their face will eventually start to resemble Spiritomb. Losing one of these spirits will cause Spiritomb to go on an uncontrollable rampage until the lost spirit is returned.


Main Pokémon games[]

Generation IV[]

A Spiritomb can be encountered at the Hallowed Tower in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The player must insert an Odd Keystone into the tower then enter the underground and speak with players 32 times. After this, they must return to the tower where a level 25 Spiritomb will appear.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus[]

Spiritomb is the main focus of the Eerie Apparitions in the Night side quest, unlocked after defeating Kleavor. A girl named Vessa tasks the player with finding all 107 wisps throughout Hisui. Once they do, Vessa meets them at the Shrouded Ruins where she reveals that there are actually 108 wisps and she is the last one. Once the player contains the last wisp and investigates the keystone, a Spiritomb will appear.

Other Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: A Spiritomb is the boss of Sealed Ruin. He captures Grovyle and the player must battle the Spiritomb to free him.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: A Spiritomb was ordered by Dusknoir to hold Celebi hostage in the depths of Icicle Forest to lure Grovyle into the center of the electric field. This Spiritomb is likely to be the same one from Sealed Ruin.

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: A Spiritomb is the boss the first time the player goes through the Chroma Ruins. It also appears as the second boss of the Capture Arena.

In the anime[]

Origin and inspiration[]

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone.
Pokémon Pearl It was bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.
Pokémon Platinum Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Pokémon HeartGold It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief.
Pokémon SoulSilver It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Pokémon White Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Pokémon Black 2 Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Pokémon White 2 Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone.
Pokémon Y It was bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.
Pokémon Omega Ruby A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire It was bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword Exactly 108 spirits gathered to become this Pokémon. Apparently there are some ill-natured spirits in the mix.
Pokémon Shield All Spiritomb's mischief and misdeeds compelled a traveler to use a mysterious spell to bind Spiritomb to an odd keystone.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone.
Pokémon Shining Pearl It was bound to a fissure in an Odd Keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus It lays curses by thinking wicked thoughts. Writings tell that this Pokémon was born out of the assembly of five score and eight malevolent spirits.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Pokémon Violet It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Hallowed Tower on Route 209
Pokémon Pearl
Hallowed Tower on Route 209
Pokémon Platinum
Hallowed Tower on Route 209
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Pokémon White
Pokémon Black 2
Trade with Curtis or Yancy in Nimbasa City
Pokémon White 2
Trade with Curtis or Yancy in Nimbasa City
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Friend Safari (Ghost)
Pokémon Y
Friend Safari (Ghost)
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Sea Mauville
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Sea Mauville
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Ballimere Lake (Wanderer)
Pokémon Shield
Ballimere Lake (Wanderer)
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Hallowed Tower on Route 209
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Hallowed Tower on Route 209
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Shrouded Ruins
Massive mass outbreaks - Crimson Mirelands
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
North Province: Glaseado Mountain
Pokémon Violet
North Province: Glaseado Mountain

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 50
Attack 92
Defense 108
Sp. Attack 92
Sp. Defense 108
Speed 35
Total 485


Main article: Spiritomb/moveset



Diamond Pearl

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Heart Soul
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Black White

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Black 2 White 2
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Sword Shield

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Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl

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Legends Arceus

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Scarlet Violet

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  • Spiritomb is highly themed around the number 108. In Buddhism, 108 is the number of temptations one must overcome to reach Nirvana.
    • Spiritomb is comprised of 108 spirits.
    • Spiritomb is Pokémon 108 in the Sinnoh Pokédex.
    • Spiritomb's Defense and Special Defense are both 108.
    • Spiritomb weighs 108 kilograms.
    • In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Spiritomb can be found at the Sea Mauville on Route 108.
    • In Pokémon GO the player can catch it after completing a Special Research quest where they must feed 108 Berries to Pokémon and catch 108 Pokémon.
    • In Pokémon Legends: Arceus the player must find 108 wisps to catch Spiritomb.
  • Prior to Generation VI, Spiritomb and Sableye had no weaknesses due to being Ghost/Dark type.
  • As of Legends: Arceus, the main body of Spiritomb's model is opaque, and its normals (the direction of the model's faces) are flipped. Due to backface culling, the outside can be seen through, but the inside cannot, allowing for its green orbs (which are three-dimensional and swirl within its body) to be seen with an opaque background from any angle. This is in contrast to previous 3D games, in which Spiritomb's main body is slightly transparent and has normals pointing outwards. The difference can be most easily seen when viewing Spiritomb from the side.
  • Nob Ogasawara, the translator of the Pokémon games to English, had suggested "Phantomb" for Spiritomb's English name, although it was not accepted by Nintendo of America.