Spear Pillar is a stage from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The stage is Lucario's homestage. In Ultimate, Lucario, Mewtwo and Incineroar (Adventure Mode: World of Light only) were unlockable there. This stage has two levels. The upper level is a holy ground while the lower level is cave-like. Dialga can be found on this stage and will do a variety of effects during the fight. He can destroy some of the upper level of the stage, fire beams from above, slow down time or tilt the stage diagonally. Occasionally, Palkia will take his place, doing more different effects to the stage. He can do most of Dialga's effects but can also fire another beam which takes up the whole of the bottom stage, or even flip the stage upside down or left to right. Cresselia also makes an appearance here. She uses Razor Wind to attack the characters. In addition, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf will also appear, but they won't do anything.