Sonic Chaos(JP), known as Sonic & Tails in Japan, is a video game that was originally released on the Master System. It was also released in 2009 as part of the Virtual Console.
Dr. Robotnik has taking the red chaos emerald casing the others to lose their power. And now south island is sinking into the ocean.
Sonic, for the first time on the Game Gear, now has his spin dash. He also now has a new ability, boost shoes which allow you to go into the sky for a short amount of time; in order to use these, you need to find them in there own monitors. Sonic also has the super peel out from Sonic CD, performed by pressing up on the D-Pad and then pressing "A". Throughout the game, Chaos Emeralds are scattered around the map, collecting one transports the player to a bonus section that requires the player to get to the Emerald within a time limit.
Tails is another playable character and allows the player to fly for a brief time. Tails is treated as an easy mode, as he has more health.
- Turquoise Hill Zone
- Gigalpolis Zone
- Sleeping Egg Zone
- Mecha Green Hill Zone
- Aqua Planet Zone
- Electric Zone
External links[]
- Sonic Chaos at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Sonic Chaos at GameFAQs
- Sonic Chaos at Sonic Wiki Zone, the Fandom wiki on Sonic.