
"Snow Way Out!" is a special and 66th (64th outside Japan) episode of Pokémon the Series. It was first broadcast in Japan on October 5, 1998, following Holiday Hi-Jynx, and in the United States on December 18, 1999. It was initially intended to be the 40th episode of the anime (and chronologically occurs before Pikachu's Goodbye), airing in Japan on January 6, 1998, but was rescheduled following the Electric Soldier Porygon incident.


Ash Ketchum and his friends are trapped in a snowstorm. Brock suggests that the group uses his Onix to create a bivouac. They are about to start when a strong gust of wind blows Pikachu away, and Ash tries to save him. After saving Pikachu who is about to fall off a cliff, Ash finds himself separated from the rest of the group. He and his other Pokémon must brave out the rest of the storm together in a cave.


Home video releases[]

  • Pokémon: The Po-ké Corral
  • Pokémon: The Po-ké Corral
  • Pokémon All-Stars Volume 9: Charmander
  • Pokémon Indigo League: Volume 3


  • Who's That Pokémon?: Pidgeotto (Japan), Muk (US)
  • Pikachu's Jukebox: 2.B.A. Master
  • The episode's English dub title is a pun of the phrase "no way out".
  • The scene where Ash's team huddles around him for warmth was reanimated and used for flashback material for The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!.
  • This episode's title is also the name of a Mario Party 8 minigame.
  • This episode and "Holiday Hi-Jynx" airing a year later than originally planned unfortunately creates a plot hole that may have confused viewers unaware of the delay. Ash's Charmander appears in both episodes, but by the time the episodes aired in both Japan and the US, Ash's Charmander had fully evolved into Charizard.
    • No doubt further adding to the confusion, the Indigo League DVD sets also placed this episode and "Holiday Hi-Jynx" between "It's Mr. Mime Time" and "Showdown at the Po-ké Corral".

External links[]
