
Simisear(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Fire type Pokémon that made its first appearance in the fifth Pokémon generation in the Black and White games. It evolves from Pansear with a Fire Stone.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Simisear is a simian Pokémon that is primarily red. Its ears are broad with orange insides, and it has oval eyes and a small black nose. It has a swirled, flame-like tuft on its head with a smaller tuft on either side of it. Simisear has white shoulder ruffs; and a cream-colored face, chest, fingers, and toes. Its hands have five fingers, and its feet have three toes. Its fluffy, swirled tail resembles a flame. There is a flame flickering inside its body, which it fuels with sweet foods. It is also capable of scattering embers from its tail and the tufts on its head.


In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black It loves sweets because they become energy for the fire burning inside its body.
Pokémon White A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.
Pokémon Black 2 When it gets excited, embers rise from its head and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it loves sweets.
Pokémon White 2 When it gets excited, embers rise from its head and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it loves sweets.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.
Pokémon Y When it gets excited, embers rise from its head and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it loves sweets.
Pokémon Omega Ruby A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire When it gets excited, embers rise from its head and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it loves sweets.

Game locations[]

In the main games, Simisear is only obtainable by evolving Pansear with a Fire Stone.


Use Fire Stone Fire Stone.

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 75
Attack 98
Defense 63
Sp. Attack 98
Sp. Defense 63
Speed 101
Total 498


Main article: Simisear/moveset



Black White

Image Needed

Black 2 White 2
Image Needed

Image Needed


Image Needed


  • Simisear shares its category with Fletchinder. They are both known as the Ember Pokémon. In Japanese, the two Pokémon also share their category with Charcadet, namely ひのこポケモン Hinoko Pokémon (Sparks Pokémon).
  • Simisear ranked last in the Japanese Pokémon general election 720 poll to decide what would be distributed at Japanese showings of Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.
  • Simisear and its pre-evolution are the only non-starter Pokémon to have Blaze as a legally obtainable Ability, albeit only as a Hidden Ability.