Savage Blow

FEF Skill (Savage Blow)
Icon of the Savage Blow skill in Fire Emblem Fates.

Foes within two spaces lose up to 20% HP after any combat this unit initiates.


Class (Fates)
Passive (Type C) (Heroes)

Appears in

Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Heroes

Savage Blow (JP) is a skill first appearing in Fire Emblem Fates learned by level 5 or higher Malig Knights, and in Fire Emblem Heroes as a type C passive skill (known as Savage Blow 1, Savage Blow 2, and Savage Blow 3).

In Fates, any rival unit within two spaces will lose 20% HP after battle from the user who started it, but won't reduce HP below 1. In Heroes, the higher the skill tier is, the more damage will be dealt. It can be learned without inheriting by Camilla, Leo, and Narcian.


Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Fates FEF Skill (Savage Blow) Deals 20% maximum HP damage to all enemies within a two-tile radius of the user at the end of an attack. 100%, if user initiates the attack -- --
(Savage Blow 1)
Is feh savage blow 1 Deals 3 HP damage to all enemies within a two-tile radius of the user at the end of an attack. -- -- Cost: 50 SP
(Savage Blow 2)
Is feh savage blow 2 Deals 5 HP damage to all enemies within a two-tile radius of the user at the end of an attack. -- -- Cost: 100 SP
(Savage Blow 3)
Is feh savage blow 3 Deals 7 HP damage to all enemies within a two-tile radius of the user at the end of an attack. -- -- Cost: 200 SP


Fire Emblem Fates[]

Units Daniela (all difficulties)
Classes Malig Knight (Learned from Level 5 and up)

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Savage Blow 1[]

Units CamillaLeoNarcianRhajat
(Rarity requirements vary per character)
Tempest Trials November 2017: 12,000 points

Savage Blow 2[]

Units CamillaLeoNarcianRhajat
(Rarity requirements vary per character)
Sacred Seal Forge (Enhancement) Requires 200 regular Transparent Badges, 60 Great Transparent Badges, 50 Sacred Coins, and the Savage Blow 1 seal.

Savage Blow 3[]

Units CamillaLeoNarcianRhajat
(Rarity requirements vary per character)
Sacred Seal Forge (Enhancement) Requires 400 regular Transparent Badges, 1,000 Great Transparent Badges, 100 Sacred Coins, and the Savage Blow 2 seal

Names in Other Languages[]

Names in Other Languages
Language Name Meaning
Spanish Arrebato brutal Brutal Outburst
French Coup sauvage Wild Blow

