
Sableye(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon introduced in the third generation. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Sableye using the Sablenite‎.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Sableye is a bipedal humanoid Pokémon with a dark purple body, armed with sharp teeth and claws, which it uses to dig through soil. It has pale blue, gemstone-like eyes, which allow it to see in low light and sparkle in the dark. It also has a red gemstone on its chest, and its back has a blue and green gemstone as well as another red one. These gem-like eyes and adornments on its body are caused by its diet, which consists of rocks and raw gemstones. Because of this, each individual Sableye can create an infinite number of patterns on its body.

It also targets Carbink as prey, though they are usually taken by Gabite before Sableye can reach them. It is feared by people since it is said to steal a person's soul if they look into its eyes. It is nocturnal and is rarely seen. It lives in the darkness of caves. It uses its claws to dig for gems to eat and fight back. It is believed that Sableye dreams eating gemstones untill its satisfied.

Mega Sableye[]

As Mega Sableye, all the energy from its Mega Evolution is concentrated into the red jewel on its chest, causing it to rip out of Sableye's skin and significantly increase in size; the detached jewel leaves a small hole in Mega Sableye's chest. Its ears elongate, and it gains a spike on the top of its head. Its teeth turn from white to yellow, and its eyes also change from pale blue to a crimson red, with diagonal slits at their inner edges. Its back gains more gems: a second green one, a second red one, and two small yellow gems.

The enlarged jewel is said to boast such incredible hardness that no attack can even leave a scratch on it. During battle, Mega Sableye shelters itself behind the jewel, from where it can take advantage of any openings its target leaves exposed. However, being forced to support its massive jewel leaves Sableye unable to turn quickly, making it vulnerable from behind.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: Six Sableye acted as assistants to Dusknoir and had a number of appearances over the course of the game. After the player defeats Dusknoir and the Sableye in the Hidden Land, the Sableye all flee.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: Six Sableye perform the same role as above, and in addition appear in Special Episode 5, which contains the events happening after Grovyle returns to the future with Dusknoir, and play a role in the episode's plot.

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: One of Dusknoir's Sableye appears as a recruitable Pokémon but will only post the connection request after Dusknoir is recruited. Sableye's request also leads to Spiritomb's recruitment.

In the anime[]

Origin and inspiration[]

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.
Pokémon Sapphire Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystallize and rise up to the Pokémon's body surface.
Pokémon Emerald It digs branching holes in caves using its sharp claws in search of food—raw gems. A Sableye lurks in darkness and is seen only rarely.
Pokémon FireRed It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels.
Pokémon LeafGreen It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels.
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon Pearl It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon Platinum It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon HeartGold It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself.
Pokémon SoulSilver It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon White It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon Black 2 It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon White 2 It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon Y It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystallize and rise up to the Pokémon’s body surface.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun It's a fiend for gemstones, so it stalks Carbink. Unfortunately, Gabite almost always grabs them first.
Pokémon Moon This Pokémon is feared. When its gemstone eyes begin to glow with a sinister shine, it's believed that Sableye will steal people's spirits away.
Pokémon Ultra Sun It digs through the ground with its hard claws and crunches down gems with its thick pointy teeth. Carbink is its favorite food.
Pokémon Ultra Moon Materials from gems it has eaten float to the surface of its body and can form an infinite number of patterns among individuals.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword This Pokémon is feared. When its gemstone eyes begin to glow with a sinister shine, it's believed that Sableye will steal people's spirits away.
Pokémon Shield It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Pokémon Shining Pearl It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself.
Pokémon Violet Materials from gems it has eaten float to the surface of its body and can form an infinite number of patterns among individuals.

Mega Evolution[]

Title Entry
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun The jewel from its chest, which has grown gigantic due to the effects of Mega Evolution, can turn back any attack.
Pokémon Moon Supporting a giant heavy jewel, it can't change direction very nimbly and is vulnerable to attack from behind.
Pokémon Ultra Sun Bathed in the energy of Mega Evolution, the gemstone on its chest expands, rips through its skin, and falls out.
Pokémon Ultra Moon It blocks any and all attacks with its giant-sized gemstone. However, the stone's a heavy burden, and it limits Mega Sableye's movements.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby
Pokémon Sapphire
Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Victory Road
Pokémon Emerald
Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Victory Road
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Iron Island (Sapphire)
Pokémon Pearl
Iron Island (Sapphire)
Pokémon Platinum
Iron Island (Sapphire)
Pokémon HeartGold
Route 9 (Swarm)
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Challenger's Cave
Pokémon White
Challenger's Cave
Pokémon Black 2
Trade with Curtis in Nimbasa City (female player only)
Pokémon White 2
Trade with Curtis in Nimbasa City (female player only)
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Reflection Cave, Friend Safari (Dark)
Pokémon Y
Reflection Cave, Friend Safari (Dark)
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Victory Road, Sky Pillar
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Victory Road, Sky Pillar
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun
Ten Carat Hill, Vast Poni Canyon (SOS Battle)
Pokémon Moon
Ten Carat Hill, Vast Poni Canyon (SOS Battle)
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Ten Carat Hill, Vast Poni Canyon (SOS Battle)
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Ten Carat Hill, Vast Poni Canyon (SOS Battle)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror
Giant's Mirror, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, Watchtower Ruins, West Lake Axewell (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Grand Underground
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Area Six, Alfornada Cavern
East Province: Area Three
West Province: Area One, Area Two
North Province: Area One, Dalizapa Passage
Area Zero
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Area Six, Alfornada Cavern
East Province: Area Three
West Province: Area One, Area Two
North Province: Area One, Dalizapa Passage
Area Zero

Base Stats[]


Base Stats
HP 50
Attack 75
Defense 75
Sp. Attack 65
Sp. Defense 65
Speed 50
Total 380


Base Stats
HP 50
Attack 85
Defense 125
Sp. Attack 85
Sp. Defense 115
Speed 20
Total 480


Main article: Sableye/moveset



Ruby Sapphire

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Fire Leaf
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Diamond Pearl
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Heart Soul
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Black White

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Black 2 White 2
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Sword Shield

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Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
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Scarlet Violet

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