
SD Gundam Battle Alliance is action role-playing game released on the Nintendo Switch in 2022. The player takes a squadron of 3 SD versions of Mobile Suits and their pilots from across the Gundam franchise. It was developed by Artdink with the game acting as a successor to the Gundam Battle series.


Downloadable Content[]

The game's Season Pass was announced on September 15, 2022 with the first content pack releasing the same day. The season pass consists of 3 content packs, each featuring new units and new scenarios missions based on different Gundam series

  • Unit & Scenario Pack #1: Legend & Succession
    • Units: GUNDAM AGE-FX & Narrative Gindam C-Packs
    • Scenarios: “The Cursed Treasure” and “Destination of the Legend”
  • Unit & Scenario Pack #2: Knights of Moon & Light
    • Units:Knight Superior Dragon & Moon Gundam
    • Scenarios: “Hero of Lacroa” and “Evil God of the Moon”
  • Unit & Scenario Pack #3: Flash & Rebirth
    • Units: Gundam Exia Repair IV, Xi Gundam and Penelope
    • Scenarios: “Rebirth by Destruction” and “Flash of Fate”


The game takes place in the G: Universe, an alternate world where the canon history has been distorted. The player has to work with other SD Gundams to fix the twisted history.



External links[]
