Secure Digital Kingston (512MB)

A 512 Megabyte Kingston SD Card.

Secure Digital (SD) is a flash memory (non-volatile) memory card format used in the Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo DSi XL, and Nintendo Switch for data storage. A 2GB Toshiba SD card came equipped with the original Nintendo 3DS. Later 3DS consoles would have a 4GB SD Card included instead and New 3DS consoles would have a 4GB Micro SD Card. Micro SD Cards up to 2 Terabytes can be used with the Nintendo Switch.



  • Stores additional downloads from the Wii Virtual Console and WiiWare libraries.
  • In the Photo Channel, you can insert a SD card from a digital camera, DSi, or 3DS. you can do various things, including puzzle games with videos, slideshows with photos, etc.
  • Stores backups of your Wii saved game data.
  • Plays MP3s in Excite Truck.

Nintendo DSi/3DS[]

  • Stores photos taken from the DSi Camera and 3DS camera applications.
  • Play music in the AAC format on the DSi (The 3DS can also play MP3 files in addition to AAC).
  • Stores recordings created using Nintendo 3DS Sound.
  • Download and run 3DS games and applications.
  • Stores DSi backups (These cannot be played, they must be moved back into the internal storage to do that).

Nintendo Switch[]

  • Stores games, applications, and screenshots.

External links[]
