
Rufflet (JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon that made its first appearance in the fifth Pokémon generation in the Black and White games. It evolves into Braviary starting at level 54. In Hisui, it will evolve into Hisuian Braviary at that same level.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Rufflet is a small avian Pokémon with a blue body. A large white plume of feathers covers its head and three tail feathers extend from its lower back. The feathery ruff extends down past its neck, covering the upper third of its body. Its face is blue with five pointed tips, resembling a mask and crown in contrast to the white feathers surrounding it. Extending from its forehead is a large feather, which is red on the lower half and white on the upper half. The split between the two colors on the feather resembles a zigzag pattern. Rufflet's beak is short and wide, with large eyes on either side. Each eye has a thick black iris with a small white pupil. Its yellow legs and feet are large in comparison to the body. Each foot has four digits: one backwards, and three forwards.

The thick, black talons on its feet are strong enough to break even the hardest of berries, and crack Shellder to consume their insides. Rufflet is extremely aggressive from birth and knowingly provokes opponents larger and more powerful than itself, including its own parent to gain acceptance. It sees this as a means of quickly getting stronger. The more times Rufflet faints or gets injured, the stronger it becomes. Rufflet will start crying whenever it loses a battle. As a result of the harsh environment of Hisui, Rufflet gains an additional Psychic-type when it evolves into Hisuian Braviary.


In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is.
Pokémon White They will challenge anything, even strong opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help them become stronger.
Pokémon Black 2 It stands up to massive opponents, not out of courage, but out of recklessness. But that is how it gets stronger.
Pokémon White 2 It stands up to massive opponents, not out of courage, but out of recklessness. But that is how it gets stronger.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is.
Pokémon Y They will challenge anything, even strong opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help them become stronger.
Pokémon Omega Ruby They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire They will challenge anything, even strong opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help them become stronger.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun They pick fights indiscriminately. They grow stronger and more powerful each time they faint or are injured.
Pokémon Moon With its sharp claws, this Pokémon pierces its prey, and then it pecks at them. Although it also consumes berries, it's a carnivore at heart.
Pokémon Ultra Sun With its powerful legs and sturdy claws, it can crack even the hard shells of Shellder and pluck out their insides.
Pokémon Ultra Moon Known as a natural-born warrior, soon after its hatching, it will challenge its parent to a fight in order to gain their acceptance.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword The more times Rufflet faints or gets injured, the stronger it becomes. Rufflet will start crying whenever it loses a battle.
Pokémon Shield A combative Pokémon, it's ready to pick a fight with anyone. It has talons that can crush hard berries.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Its chick-like looks belie its hotheadedness. It challenges its parents at every opportunity, desperate to prove its strength.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet They pick fights indiscriminately. They grow stronger and more powerful each time they faint or are injured.
Pokémon Violet With its sharp claws, this Pokémon pierces its prey, and then it pecks at them. Although it also consumes berries, it's a carnivore at heart.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Pokémon White
Routes 10 and 11, Victory Road Village Bridge
Pokémon White 2
Route 23
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Friend Safari (Flying)
Pokémon Y
Friend Safari (Flying)
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Mirage Mountain (north of Lilycove City)
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Mirage Mountain (north of Lilycove City)
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun
Route 3
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Route 3
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Route 8, Stony Wilderness, Bridge Field
Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Alabaster Icelands: near Avalugg's Legacy, Heart's Crag, Lake Acuity, near Pearl Settlement, massive mass outbreaks
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Area One, Area Three, Area Four, Area Six
East Province: Area Three
West Province: Asado Desert
North Province: Area One, Area Two, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain
Savanna Biome
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Area One, Area Three, Area Four, Area Six
East Province: Area Three
West Province: Asado Desert
North Province: Area One, Area Two, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain
Savanna Biome


Reach level 54.
Reach level 54.

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 70
Attack 83
Defense 50
Sp. Attack 37
Sp. Defense 50
Speed 60
Total 350


Main article: Rufflet/moveset



Black White

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Black 2 White 2

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Image Needed

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Sword Shield

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Legends Arceus

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Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • Rufflet is the only unevolved Pokémon that can learn Sky Drop.