Roggenrola is a roughly spherical rock-like Pokémon. Its body is blue and covered in large, smooth facets. It has a hexagonal, yellow artifice in the center of its body, leading to a hexagonal opening that functions as an ear. Roggenrola has a brown, rocky oblong atop its head and similar brown rocks that serve as feet.
Roggenrola is born deep underground and was discovered about 100 years ago in an earthquake fissure in a layer of exposed rock. Its steel-hard body is made up of dirt from many centuries ago and it compares its hard body with those of Geodude and Carbink; however, a sufficiently long soak in water will cause its body to soften to some degree. Inside of Roggenrola lies an energy core, making its body somewhat warm to the touch. Its ear leads straight to its energy core, causing it to become angry if someone sticks their hand in there. As stated by Cilan in the anime, Roggenrola has sensitive hearing and can hear sounds that are inaudible to humans. It tends to follow the sounds it picks up with its lone ear, panicking if these sounds cease. Dwebble is a natural enemy of Roggenrola, as the former tends to think that Roggenrola is an inanimate rock to turn into a home. Sometimes, Rhyperior mistakes this Pokémon for an ordinary rock and fires them through their hands.