Pride's Many Forms
One day, the prince and Ramona visit a cave where valuable ore can be mined. Their goal is to watch the mining process, and for Ramona to use what she sees as a way to improve her smithing skills.
Rokkan Man: Hyah! Huah! Hyah!
Ramona: Wow. No one mines like a rokkan!
Euden: They definitely have the build for it.
Rokkan Man: Ach, ye be a real pair'a limp noodles! Can't be miners, nay?
Ramona: Us? Miners? Nah. I'm a blacksmith. I thought seein' your work might help me out with my own.
Rokkan Man: A smith? YE? Bwaaa ha ha ha!
Ramona: What's so funny?!
Rokkan Man: Ye ain't big enough to HOLD a hammer, lassie, much less swing it 'round! I seen rokkan TODDLERS what could probably make better weapons'n ye!
Euden: Ramona is an incredible blacksmith! She provides weapons for me AND all of my people. We'd be lost without her.
Ramona: Aw, thanks, Euden.
Rokkan Man: That so? Well, ye still be a scrawny thing, but might be I misjudged ya... Speakin'a which, what're ye fightin', wee man? Baby lambs? Bwaaa ha ha!
Ramona: Okay, that's enough outta you, pal! I'm gonna show you how wrong you are! ...Yoink!
Rokkan Man: Oy, that's me pickaxe!
Ramona: Stand back, you dope! Hyah! Hyah!
Rokkan Man: Oy, ain't that cute? She's tryin' to mine!
Ramona: Haaah! Hraaah!
Rokkan Man: Jings, that lass is workin' true!
Euden: Wow! You ARE as strong as a rokkan!
Ramona: 'Course I am—I spend all day swingin' a hammer around! So what do you say now? Ready to eat some crow?
Rokkan Man: Bwaaa ha ha! All right, lass, all right. T'was wrong of me what to peg ye for some kinda weaklin'. Now gimme that pickaxe and I'll show ye how it's REALLY done!
Ramona: Hammer away, my good man.
But just as the rokkan man was demonstrating his strength...
Ramona: Are you diggin' in unstable ground or something?
Rokkan Man: Don't be daft, girlie! It's a quake! And a big 'un, too! Make for the exit!
Euden: The ceiling! Are you all right, Ramona?
Ramona: Yeah, I'm fine. You guys okay?
Rokkan Man: Not more'n a couple'a bruises, but we're in a real jam here.
Ramona: Yeah, looks like a total cave-in.
Euden: There aren't any tools on this side for me to dig you out. I'm going to go get help. Hold on!
Ramona: Hurry!
Rokkan Man: Sure hope he can move fast on them wee legs'a his! Judgin' by the way our voices sound in here, we're in a pretty tight space. If this takes too long, we might suffocate! Crivens, but this is me own fault! Shoulda felt that quake sooner!
Ramona: Eh, the past is the past. Let's focus on the future.
Rokkan Man: I AM thinkin' of the future, lass! Why ye think I ain't calm?! Do ye not get the trouble we be in?!
Ramona: Oh, I get it. But I also know from my work that nothin' good comes from panic.
Rokkan Man: That so?
Ramona: Oh yeah. I mean, it ain't mining, but there are still a thousand ways to hurt yourself in a smithy. You can burn yourself on the forge... Or sometimes the mana you infuse into a weapon starts to run outta control and explode... And when that happens? Sure, I want to panic. But the tougher things like that get, the more important it is to stay calm.
Rokkan Man: ...... Ye be strong AND brave, lass. Might even make a fine rokkan. ...Sorry for the hassle I gave ye earlier.
Ramona: Heh. Don't worry about it. Er, but now that you're calmer, I could really use your help.
Rokkan Man: With what?
Ramona: Well, you're a mining professional. So you know what to do—and NOT do— during a cave-in like this, yeah?
Rokkan Man: Ye best believe it! Rule Number One: If ye be in a cave-in, don't start another! 'Cause then ye be stuck between a rock and...well, more rock, I guess. All right. Looks like we're safe from that. Now we either gotta wait fer help...or do somethin' on our own. I knew it! We can move this rock! Lend a hand, lass!
Ramona: On it! You really know your stuff!
Rokkan Man: Aye, minin' is the whole world to me. May be daft when it comes to most things, but I sure as hell know plenty 'bout THIS. Now that we know she won't collapse, we can give 'er the ol' welly! Feel up for a little race, lass? Let's see who can shove the most rocks outta the way!
Ramona: You're on!
Rokkan Man: Don't be cryin' to me when ye lose! Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha!
Ramona: You'll be the one cryin', pal! Heeeeeave! Heeeeeeave!
They moved rock after rock, boulder after boulder. Until finally...
Euden: Hey! Are you guys all right?!
Ramona: Sounds like the cavalry has arrived.
Rokkan Man: Looks like our wee competition's over. Now let's see who won...
Ramona: Eh, what does it matter? We're saved now, yeah?
Rokkan Man: Blimey, ye gotta have a winner! ...Bwaaaa ha ha ha!
Ramona: Ha ha ha!
Euden: Well, you two seem to be on much better terms. I should consider cave-ins as a future team-building exercise.
Rokkan Man: Heh. I just learned this here lass is one I can trust.
Ramona: And I'm happy to trust anyone who stakes their life on knowledge of their job!