Rabbid Mario(JP) is a Rabbid dressed as Mario, and one of the eight main playable heroes in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. He was created when Spawny used the SupaMerge to fuse a Rabbid with a Mario Cap. In Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Rabbid Mario teams up with Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Peach, and Rabbid Yoshi to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Rabbid-fused enemies and Bowser Jr.'s attempted takeover. He returns in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope.
Similar to most Rabbids, Rabbid Mario is playful, mischievous, curious, and reckless. He likes mimicking Mario and tends to show-off his strength. He is fearless, flamboyant, adventurous, and will not back down from a challenge. Rabbid Mario seems to have an ear for music as he plays his mandolin and performs his own version of the Super Mario Bros. theme song. This can also be recognized in his victory animation, which has him strum a small tune that resembles that of losing a life in Super Mario Bros. 3, as well as some of his voice clips used in-game, which reference the 'Lose a Life' and '1-UP' jingles from Super Mario Bros. In Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, he is highly boastful of his strength and is something of a hopeless romantic, as he tries to capture Edge's attention, which oftentimes failed.
Rabbid Mario has white fur everywhere, but around his mouth, the inside his rabbit-like ears, on his abdomen, paws, and under his feet, has pale skin and has blue eyes. He has paws with one opposable thumb on each paw and no fingers. He also has buck teeth and feet with no toes. For attire, Rabbid Mario has overalls and the Mario Cap and has Mario's mustache while still retaining his appearance as a Rabbid.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle[]
Rabbid Mario was once an ordinary Rabbid who traveled through time and space with the rest of his Rabbids, until they arrived at the Genius Girl's basement and begin creating a mess. A Rabbid named Spawny gets ahold of the SupaMerge and begins merging Rabbids with nearby objects, with Rabbid Mario being the third one to be hit by the SupaMerge's laser, before Spawny went too far and caused the Time Washing Machine to malfunction and pulls all of the Rabbids into it along with a Super Mario poster, which transports the Rabbids to the Mushroom Kingdom.
Ancient Gardens[]
Rabbid Mario is briefly seen frozen solid during the Rabbids long fall to the Mushroom Kingdom and isn't seen again for the remainder of the first chapter.
Sherbet Desert[]
Rabbid Mario is first found in Sherbet Desert, still trapped inside an ice cube, but with Toad's help, he was eventually able to be free and he wastes no time befriending Mario, even playing the Super Mario Bros. theme for him. During their trek through the desert, Bowser Jr. spots them from afar and makes Spawny create Blizzy and Sandy, who later ambush them, with Blizzy freezing all of the heroes, up until Princess Peach arrived and freed two of the heroes while the third one is still trapped, and they defeat the duo and saved the third hero.
Spooky Trails[]
They journey through Spooky Trails and find that the Moon Gate is locked and according to the mysterious messenger, "Tom Phan", they must find the Relics of Goodness, which are the gramophone and the Boo balloon which are in different areas. Once they place them on the pedestals, the gate still does not open, and they realize that the full moon has left its position and the way to bring it back is to turn back the clock's hands. They end up saving Rabbid Yoshi from Calavera on their way there, and once they arrive, they reversed time, repositioning the moon, allowing the Moon Gate to finally open. Upon passing through, it was discovered that Bowser Jr. was behind the "Tom Phan" messages to Beep-0 and makes Spawny merge a Rabbid with the Boo balloon and a gramophone, becoming the Phantom of the Bwahpera, who proceeds to sing a degrading song about Mario and his series, but the heroes managed to defeat him.
Lava Pit[]
They head to the Lava Pit where the volcano there was turned into a facility where Bowser Jr. is assembling his merged army. As they progress through the level, they confront Bowser Jr., who is on board the Mecha Jr. in an effort to finally defeat the heroes, but is defeated himself, only for Spawny to fall off the ledge, to Jr.'s dismay. Fortunately, Yoshi rescues Spawny and ends up joining the team to help escort Spawny out of the caverns. However, Spawny is soon attracted to the energy of the fully formed Megabug and gets absorbed by the beast, who then flies to Bowser's Castle. Bowser Jr. returns to chastise the heroes for their poor handling of Spawny but gets a text from his father that he is returning home early from vacation; realizing that he will be in big trouble, Jr. rushes to the castle with the heroes following them, where they witness the Megabug merging with Bowser and his son pleads them to help Bowser. After a long battle, they were able to separate the Megabug from Bowser and managed to destroy the destructive entity, the vortex closes and Spawny is set free. Bowser Jr. is grateful to them for stopping the Megabug and asks them to speak with Bowser on his behalf. The heroes return to Peach's Castle where a statue of Rabbid Peach was inaugurated, and Rabbid Peach herself brings everyone in for a group photo.
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope[]
Mushroom Kingdom (Prologue)[]
Rabbid Mario had his overalls stolen from him and as a result, he is hiding in a bush and refuses to leave it, so Princess Peach calls for Mario and Rabbid Peach to help search for Rabbid Mario's missing overalls. Once they find them in another shrub and they return them to him. Rabbid Luigi is revealed to be responsible for the overall's disappearance since he wanted to be the only Rabbid who wears them. Rabbid Mario asserts that only one of them can wear alternatives to pants. Before anyone is able to relax though, a Spark named Starburst rams into Mario and the Darkmess Manta appears and spreads Darkmess across the kingdom. Mario attempts to warn Rabbid Peach though she argues with him, which gets her absorbed by the enormous monster and with Princess Peach's help, she managed to get Mario and Beep-0 onto the giant beast. Rabbid Mario joins the heroes aboard the WM ARC ship to save their friends from the manta and an evil entity name Cursa.
Once inside, they meet Beep-0's special AI creation JEANIE, who became self-aware since she was installed with the empathy module and Starburst enters the room and JEANIE studies it and confirms that its kind is the result of the fusion of Rabbids and Lumas. Peach doesn't believe that Rosalina would ever allow the union to happen which Starburst exclaims that Rosalina is in danger because of Cursa and pleads them to help her. Due to Cursa's Stronghold being too far away from where they were, they would need to collect Purified Darkmess Crystals to fast travel Beep-0 wanted to call his kind Rabbid Lumas, though Rabbid Mario was critical towards it since everyone already settled on Sparks instead. Beep-0 assumes that with the Sparks safeguarded in their hands, Cursa wouldn't bother them anymore. However, Cursa is indeed hunting for the Sparks and orders its forces to find them for their energy.
Beacon Beach[]
They arrive on Beacon Beach which is suffering under a serious rainfall and darkness and they are almost attacked by the warden named Augie, who is shaking in fear while Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Peach laugh at him. Augie tells them to leave, but they insist on staying since they are heroes rather than troublemakers. Augie tells them of the Darkmess Tentacle affecting the lighthouse and lets them know that they would have to seek the help of the Spark that one of the towns Rabbids has, but he tells them to help get rid of the Bob-omb infestation there. After taking care of the Bob-ombs, one of the Rabbids releases a Spark named Twinkle who flees to the beacon which made the Sunrise Temple emerge onto the surface. Rabbid Mario and his friends enter, unaware that an ominous Rabbid named Edge follows them inside. They catch up to Twinkle, who is afraid of them until they show that they don't wish to hurt it, but Twinkle is caught by the Darkmess Tentacle and the heroes head inside to save it. Once they were in the clear, Twinkle was momentarily safe until the Stooges chase after it and corner it against a wall. Just before it faces capture, the Flying Blade soars through the air and slays it and returns to the hidden assailant. The punk/goth Rabbid, Edge walks out of the waterfall confidently as she gestures to the enemies before giving the Stooges the same treatment as Rabbid Mario immediately becomes infatuated with her and continues to observe her fighting prowess and when she gently coaxes Twinkle over. They defeat the Giant Wildclaw and Beep-0 informs Edge that Twinkle needs to go with them to the lighthouse to destroy the Darkmess Tentacle and restore stability. Augie congratulates them but becomes scared of Edge and calls her a Spark Hunter, but she corrects him and properly introduces herself, while taking up the offer to join them to save the Sparks and stop Cursa. Once the heroes destroy the Darkmess Tentacle, sunlight returns to Beacon Beach and Augie warns them of the Spark Hunters, who are Cursa's ringleaders and tells them that they will threaten his people if he does not give them the Sparks. The heroes promise that they will bring them to justice.
Pristine Peaks[]
The team make their way to Pristine Peaks where JEANIE lets them know that the planet is under a severe blizzard and extreme cold conditions that threatened to render it uninhabitable to all life. Once they arrive, they make their way up the mountain where the Darkmess Tentacle was affecting the top. Once it is destroyed, the storm ends, and everyone enjoys making snowmen and Rabbid Mario makes a muscular snowman with himself as the head, obviously trying to attract Edge's attention, which does not work, and they see that the path was melted and allowed access to the Winter Palace. They managed to free Captain Orion from the ice, and he tells them that the girl he knows is in danger. Once inside, they find the ghostly Rabbid named Midnite, whom Edge confirms that the Rabbid in question is one of Cursa's Spark Hunters. After they encounter her a couple more times, they confront her at the library where the Darkmess Tentacle. Rabbid Mario is surprised to hear that Edge and Midnite were once good friends through the way Midnite primarily interacted with her. Once going through, Captain Orion is captured and the girl, Rabbid Rosalina joins forces with the heroes to fight the enemy who imprisoned her. Once Midnite is defeated, Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Luigi were about to give each other a high-five until Rabbid Mario spits on his hand and tries to slap Rabbid Luigi's, only for the former to pull away in disgust, while Edge demonstrates mercy to Midnite, who flees in sadness. Rabbid Rosalina was apologetic for wandering off and wasn't too keen on leaving with the heroes since she only wanted to meet Rosalina herself which Beep-0 confirms that they are searching for her and she accepts, while promising to make Orion proud.
Palette Prime[]
The team then heads to Palette Prime as JEANIE noticed that the Darkmess Tentacles have manifested there and upon arrival, the forest was revealed to be drained of color and life while Rabbid Mario proposes burning the forest down to reach it, which Beep-0 objects, and Paletteville is under attack by an unknown force. They head to the forest where they destroyed the Darkmess Tentacle to restore it to its original state, and due to the bridge being out, they head through the shortcut in T.S. Woodrow's basement to reach the town where they find Bowser and Bedrock in an all-out brawl with each other and Bowser attacks Bedrock while she strikes back and throws him into the Darkmess Tentacle. Edge asked them about Bowser but Rabbid Mario asks about Bedrock which she confirms that Bedrock is a Spark Hunter and Beep-0 explains that Bowser is also on bad terms with them due to his history of terrible deeds, but still are willing to help him and grants him the Bowzooka to give him an advantage. After Bedrock is defeated, she flees on a ship driven by another Spark Hunter. Bowser explains that Cursa has brainwashed his minions which is why he went after it and wanted them back.
Terra Flora[]
They fly to Terra Flora where JEANIE reveals that they are now in range of Cursa's Stronghold to be able to reach it but notes that it is under heavy protection by a shield that surrounds it completely. Beep-0 asks Edge about how they deal with them but as soon as he brought up her past history with the Spark Hunters, Edge gets irritated over him trying to pry into her business. After they arrive, Rabbid Peach states that she gets her bouquets there often and they meet with Bea, who tells them that a Darkmess Tentacle has stopped water volcano Mt. Spout from erupting which is causing a drought within the area. She consults Sullivan, the planet's train engineer to lead the heroes on the Wiggler Train. During their ride however, they are pursued by a real Darkmess infected Wiggler which scared Rabbid Mario so much that he jumped into Edge's arms, surprising her, as Sullivan speeds up to get away from it. It later attacks them, and the heroes needed to fight back. Once they escaped, they managed to reach Mt. Spout where they destroyed the Darkmess Tentacle, which allows Mt. Spout to erupt water with most of the heroes trapped in bubbles before they end up falling. Bea then lets them know that Barrendale Mesa's warden, Momma would be able to help install a Shield Buster on their ship.
Barrendale Mesa[]
They head to Barrendale Mesa, a planet once known to have been abundant until the Rabbids arrived and used up the resources on the planet and left. JEANIE states that Momma is still on the planet, but with it being close to Cursa's Stronghold, Edge is concerned over the possibility that one of the dirtiest and the sneakiest of the Spark Hunters waiting for them there but brushes off everyone else's attention. Barrendale Mesa is suffering under an electric storm, which prevents the ship from being able to land normally, so they must jump from a great height. Rabbid Mario lands on the giant balloon with Luigi and the Mario-based Rabbids before Bowser accidentally bursts the balloon, which annoyed Momma, whose garage is closed due to the windmill being in disrepair since the storm began and tasks them with fixing the damage. After the windmill is saved, the storm calms and "Momma" sends a transmission that instructs them to return to the garage, but once they do, they find that "Momma" was really Daphne in disguise and the real Momma is in captivity and traps them in the Darkmess Dimension. Once Daphne is defeated, Cursa arrives and attempts to eliminate it, but it soon bursts into light, revealing Rosalina herself underneath. She opens out the portal to lead them to safety before being recorrupted and Edge leads everyone out of the Darkmess Dimension. Everyone is distraught over Rosalina's true fate and the recent Purified Darkmess Crystal reveals how Cursa came to be and how the rest of the events unfolded that got them involved in the first place. Momma instructs the heroes to have hope and remain united against Cursa while installing the Shield Busters and wishing them that all goes well in their battle against Cursa.
Melodic Gardens[]
During their journey to Cursa's stronghold, the heroes were end up heading to Melodic Gardens after the planet mysteriously went silent. Once they meet the warden Allegra, she tells them that Kanya, the former leader of the Spark Hunters is attacking the planet, much to Edge's confusion, as she thought that they have dealt with them all. When they finally meet with Kanya, who enjoys meeting them, it was revealed that she did something with Allegra's friend, forcing the latter to search for it. Once they get through all the obstacles and open the gate, they find Allegra comforting a Dorrie and as everyone looks on with empathy, Rabbid Mario starts crying and clinging to Bowser. After helping to free Dorrie from imprisonment, Rabbid Mario contributes to defeating Kanya and restore the harmonious nature of the planet.
Cursa's Stronghold[]
The heroes arrive at the fortified stronghold of Cursa and they use the Shield Buster to obliterate it, revealing the Comet Observatory underneath which horrified everyone, and they land on the debris where they find two Darkmess Puddles; the first containing Darkmess Bowser and the second containing Darkmess Edge and when they are both defeated, Rabbid Mario is stunned to learn that Edge was created by Cursa and the former leader of the Spark Hunters but remains loyal and accepting to her as family, while still trying to get his feelings known to her. Once they finally confront Cursa at the Comet Observatory, they take out its astral hands and attacks its broken star on its front to free the trapped Sparks that were drained of energy and Rosalina is also released from Cursa's control and joins them to fight back against it. Once Cursa is weakened, Rabbid Rosalina stands in front of her friends to protect them while the drained Sparks use a wand projector to turn themselves into a laser to cripple it further, allowing the heroes to combine their ammunition with Rosalina's magic to merge them into a single arrow, completely disintegrating Cursa forever.
Rosalina is thankful to the heroes for saving her and the galaxy from Cursa's reign of terror and in response to Beep-0's lamentations over not being able to save all of the Sparks, she revives them all to demonstrate that energy can never be truly destroyed but altered. She then invites Rabbid Rosalina and Edge to join her on the Comet Observatory, but they both decline and chose to stay with their friends since they consider them their family. As Rosalina thanks them all, she teasingly tells Bowser that she hopes that he learned something about teamwork. Rabbid Mario, alongside Rabbid Luigi and Rabbid Peach were then playing around with the grouchy Bowser, resulting in him retaliating with a fireball.
The Tower of Doooom[]
One of the Heroes' old friends, Spawny is revealed to be trapped at the top of The Tower of Doooom run by Madame Bwahstrella and Rabbid Mario and his friends are tasked with going through several battle challenges to reach the top to locate their lost friend. Spawny can be seen on a small platform looking scared on the tenth floor which is the highest floor of the tower and once the Giant enemy is defeated, Spawny is saved, and he has gained the confidence to go out on his own by traveling the galaxy and with the knowledge that he will count on his friends to save him when he lands into trouble, having put the events of the previous game behind him.
Rayman in the Phantom Show[]
Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, and Beep-0 enter the Space Opera Network after they gained special tickets to take part on stage. It was there where they first meet Rayman, who arrived on a rocket, but Rayman was wary of them, at first, with Rabbid Mario passing out after pulling Rayman's hand too far with Rabbid Peach wondering about Rayman's lack of limbs which she and Rabbid Mario never saw before. Beep-0 assures him that the two of them are docile and after dealing with some of the remnants of Cursa's minions, Rayman became somewhat relaxed around them. They encounter the Phantom of the Bwahpera again, whom they haven't seen since their encounter in Spooky Trails, and he explains that he was under the influence of the Megabug and has turned to the side of good and wanted to help the Space Opera Network become a popular show again and recent Darkmess infestation in three of its sets made its sticky situation even worse, and they can help get rid of the Darkmess. After they managed to clear the Darkmess in the Pirate, Western, and Medieval sets, the Phantom praises them for their work and invites them to the basement, but Rayman believes that something was off. When they arrive, the Phantom reveals that he was secretly luring them into a trap, so he can get his revenge for his previous defeat and to draw power from viewership. During the last battle, the Phantom sings a degrading song about Rayman losing his fame to the Rabbids and later gives the same treatment to Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, and Beep-0. With the trio turning off the lights, they defeated the Phantom the second time around. Rayman is happy to actually be fighting alongside the Rabbids for once instead of against them like he always did. Due to them becoming civilized, Rayman decides to stay at the Space Opera Network so he can help keep the Rabbids in line and keep their moral compasses straight, while Beep-0, Rabbid Peach, and Rabbid Mario return to the Mushroom Kingdom. Before they leave, Rabbid Peach gives Rayman a Mario Cap while Rayman gives the Rabbids a copy of his hoodie.
Powers and Abilities[]
In-game, he is described as a Brawler with great offense and mobility, but poor defense. His primary weapon is a Boomshot, and his secondary weapon is a Melee, making him effective at close-range combat and area attacks. His "Boom Dash" allows him to create shockwaves when he dashes into a foe, harming anyone (enemy or ally) within the blast radius for a percentage of the damage inflicted on his main target. His special abilities include Bodyguard, a barrier that reduces the damage he takes from movement-based attacks (such as dashes or Team Jumps), and Magnet Dance, which forces enemies within its range to move towards Rabbid Mario. His Magnet dance can also be used with "line-of-sight techniques" as well as other forced movement abilities or weapons that have a high chance of inflicting Burn, Push, or Bounce to force nearby enemies out of hiding and deal extra damage. His Bodyguard ability can also be used with Peach's Protection ability to reduce damage Rabbid Mario takes from both movement-based damage and weapon-based damage. His Boom Dash can also be used in tandem with Mario's M-power to increase damage.
Rabbid Mario again appears in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. He now wields a weapon called the Dukes, which are two steel gauntlets that produce shockwaves so that it can even hit enemies behind cover. His technique is Counter Blow, which will trigger if an enemy attacks Rabbid Mario.
NOTE: The above text in this section alone is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source: https://www.mariowiki.com/Rabbid_Mario
Other Appearances[]
Rabbid Mario also appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a spirit.
Allies in Mario | |
Major allies | Princess Daisy • Baby Mario • Baby Luigi • Toadsworth • Professor E. Gadd • Rosalina • Diddy Kong • Captain Toad • Toadette • Cappy • Raphael the Raven • Baby Peach • Polari • Prince Peasley • Stuffwell • Starlow • Prince Dreambert • Geno • Mallow • Lubba • Goombario • Kooper • Bombette • Parakarry • Bow • Watt • Sushie • Lakilester • Goombella • Koops • Flurrie • Yoshi Kid • Vivian • Admiral Bobbery • Ms. Mowz • Tippi • Twink • Professor Frankly • Merlon • Kersti • Huey • Olivia • Rabbid Peach • Rabbid Luigi • Rabbid Mario • Rabbid Yoshi • Beep-0 • Edge • Prince Florian • Stella • Talking Flower |
Minor allies | Bob-omb Buddy • Cragnon • Dolphin • Luma • Noki • Pianta • Puni • Toad • Poplin • King Toadstool • Wooster • Oogtar • Mario and Luigi's father • Giuseppe • Mario and Luigi's mother • Francis |