
Power Rangers Time Force is a video game based on the 9th season of the TV series of the same name released in 2001 and published by THQ. The game was released for the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance.


The Game Boy Color version is a platforming side-scroller. The five Time Force rangers travel through time stopping enemies. The player can choose to play as any of the five main Time Force Rangers. The game also features Zord battles.

The Game Boy Advance version is a beat 'em up side-scroller. This version follows the show more closely. The player must travel through various stages to stop the evil Ransik. All five Time Force Rangers are playable in the game. The Quantum Ranger is playable when the player earns the Quantum Morpher power-up, allowing the Ranger the player is controlling to use the powers of the Quantum Ranger. The game also features Zord battles, however, only the Time Force Megazord in mode red is playable in these battles. This game is similar to the 2003 Power Rangers Ninja Storm video game for GBA.




The Game Boy Advance version received mixed reviews.

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