Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl is the third series of Pokémon the Series, based on the Fourth Pokémon generation. It ran from September 28, 2006 to September 9, 2010 in Japan and from June 4, 2007 to February 5, 2011 in the United States, although the first three episodes aired as a sneak peak in the United States on April 20, 2007.
Upon arrival in Sinnoh, Ash Ketchum and Brock meet Dawn, another Pokémon Coordinator, who travels with them as they go through the Sinnoh region in another adventure. Dawn earns five ribbons to participate in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, while Ash battled all the Sinnoh Gym Leaders to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference.
- Season 10: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Episodes 1-52)
- Season 11: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension (Episodes 53-104)
- Season 12: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles (Episodes 105-157)
- Season 13: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors (Episodes 158-191)
- Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai
- Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
- Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life
- Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions