Pokémon: Twilight Wings is a Japanese original net animation anime series produced by Studio Colorido and released on YouTube by The Pokémon Company. It is a series inspired by the Pokémon Sword and Shield titles of the Pokémon video games, but it is not a part of the television series, similar to the preceding animations Pokémon Origins and Pokémon Generations and its successors Pokémon Evolutions and Pokémon: Hisuian Snow. A total of seven episodes, each running for around six minutes, were announced for the series on December 12, 2019. The first episode was released on January 15, 2020, and further episodes were planned to be released on a monthly basis, however the fifth episode was delayed from May to June due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The series initially concluded on August 6, 2020, when the seventh episode was released. However, a special episode titled "The Gathering of Stars" (EXPANSION ~星の祭~), based on Downloadable content for the Pokémon Sword and Shield games, The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra, premiered on November 5, 2020 in Japanese, and later on November 17, 2020 in English.
- Letter - Focusing on John
- Training - Featuring Bea
- Buddy - Featuring Hop, Wooloo and Milo
- Early-Evening Waves - Featuring Nessa
- Assistant - Featuring Oleana
- Moonlight - Featuring Allister and Tommy
- Sky - Featuring Leon
- Special: Gathering of the Stars - Based on Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra
See also[]
- Pokémon Origins
- Pokémon Generations
- Pokétoon
- Pokémon Evolutions
- Pokémon: Hisuian Snow
- Pokémon Path to the Peak
- Pokémon Paldean Winds