
Petz: Nursery 2 (or Petz: Playschool in EU) is a 2010 Nintendo DS pet simulation game developed by Ubisoft and a new addition to the Petz video game series. In this game, players can choose from a selection of newborn animals like dogs, cats, penguins and exotics. The owner must look after the animal by feeding it, keeping it clean and playing with it, to make their pet grow and thrive. It is the successor of Petz: Nursery.


Here is a list of all animals, that can be aquired in the game (work in progress).

Image Animal and type Breed How to unlock
Petz Nursery 2 Labrador Retriever Dog Labrador Retriever Available from the start
Petz Nursery 2 Yorkshire Terrier Dog Yorkshire Terrier Raise one animal
Petz Nursery 2 German Shepherd Dog German Shepherd Raise two animals
Petz Nursery 2 Beagle Dog Beagle Raise three animals
Petz Nursery 2 Dachshund Dog Dachshund Available from the start
Petz Nursery 2 Husky Dog Husky Raise one animal

Image Animal and type Breed How to unlock
Petz Nursery 2 Persian Cat Persian Available from the start
Petz Nursery 2 Siamese Cat Siamese Raise one animal
Petz Nursery 2 Maine Coon Cat Maine Coon Raise two animals
Petz Nursery 2 Abyssinian Cat Abyssinian Raise one animal
Petz Nursery 2 Ragdoll Cat Ragdoll Raise three animals
Petz Nursery 2 American Shorthair Cat American Shorthair Available from the start

Image Animal and type Breed How to unlock
Petz Nursery 2 Panda Exotic Panda Raise five animals
Petz Nursery 2 Tiger Exotic Tiger Raise four animals
Petz Nursery 2 Leopard Exotic Leopard Raise three animals
Petz Nursery 2 Polar Bear Exotic Polar Bear Raise three animals
Petz Nursery 2 Pig Exotic Pig Raise four animals
Petz Nursery 2 Wolf Exotic Wolf Raise five animals

Image Animal and type Breed How to unlock
Petz Nursery 2 Emperor Penguin Penguin Emperor Penguin Raise two animals
Petz Nursery 2 Adelie Penguin Penguin Adelie Penguin Raise one animal
Petz Nursery 2 Macaroni Penguin Penguin Macaroni Penguin Available from the start
Petz Nursery 2 Humboldt Penguin Penguin Humboldt Penguin Available from the start


Animal state menu[]

Petz Nursery 2 Animal State Menu

the animal state menu.

The player can see the gender, emotion symbols and current weight of their pet in the animal state menu. One can also see the growth of their pet within the growth bar. The animal state menu is located on the top screen of the Nintendo DS when the games location is the nursery.

Emotion symbols[]

The emotion symbols show the current needs and feelings of a pet.

Image Status Description
Petz Nursery 2 Hungry Symbol Hungry The Animal is hungry and needs to be fed.
Petz Nursery 2 Dirty Symbol Dirty The Animal is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
Petz Nursery 2 Tired Symbol Sleepy The Animal is sleepy and needs to be put to bed.
Petz Nursery 2 Exhausted Symbol Doesn't want to play The Animal doesn't want to play. (This only appears when two pets are raised at the same time). This Emotion usually pops up when one animal is cared more for that the other. It should encourage the player to care for the second animal aswell.

Image Status Description
Petz Nursery 2 Hungry Symbol 2 Hungry The Animal is hungry and needs to be fed.
Petz Nursery 2 Dirty Symbol Dirty The Animal is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
Petz Nursery 2 Tired Symbol Sleepy The Animal is sleepy and needs to be put to bed.
Petz Nursery 2 Exhausted Symbol Doesn't want to play The Animal doesn't want to play. (This only appears when two pets are raised at the same time). This Emotion usually pops up when one animal is cared more for that the other. It should encourage the player to care for the second animal aswell.

Growth Bar[]

The more an animal is played with, the faster it grows. This growth is portrayed via the growth bar. Here is an overview of all the different growth stages of an animal.

Image Name Unlocks
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar First Stage Feeding Time (Newborn) Minigame, Bath Time (Newborn) Minigame, Good Night Minigame, Balloon Minigame
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar 2 Second Stage Crawl Minigame
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar 3 Third Stage Feeding Time Minigame, Bath Time Minigame, Walk Minigame, Playing with Toys
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar 4 Fourth Stage Music Minigame
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar 5 Fifth Stage Toy Time Minigame
Petz Nursery 2 Growth Bar 6 Sixth Stage Animal Title

Extended animal state menu[]

Petz Nursery 2 Extended Animal State Menu

the extended animal state menu.

To get a more advanced look on their animal, the player has to select the clipboard in the toolbar. If they now push the symbol on the right, it will bring them to the extended animal state menu of their pets. By pressing the green "?"-Symbol under the animal of choice, they will be able to see their weight, personality, animal title (only if the pet is raised already) aswell as their stats.


All animals have their own stats. These include the walking, music and playing stat. Stats can be raised by playing the following minigames:

  • The balloon minigame raises the music stat.
  • The crawling minigame raises the walking stat.
  • The walking minigame raises the walking stat.
  • The music minigame raises the music stat.
  • The toy time minigame raises the playing stat.

If the stat of an animal is very high, they will also perform better at the respective minigame.

Stats are measured in diamonds. An animal can have 7 diamonds per stat, 21 diamonds total. Though only well rounded animals can maximize all their stats.

Once an animal reaches the sixth growth stage, their stats are settled, meaning that they can no longer be improved on.


Pets can differ in their personalitys. The personality of a pet can give them stat boosts in up to tree stats.

  • If a pet is athletic or very athletic, it will boost their walking stat.
  • If a pet is musical or very musical, it will boost their music stat.
  • If a pet is playful or very playful, it will boost their playing stat.
  • If a pet is well rounded or very well rounded, it will boost all of their stats.

Some animals also have more that one personality trait. For example, an animal could be athletic and musical, boosting both the walking and music stat.

Animal title[]

Once an animal reaches the sixth growth stage, they will be granted a title.

This title is probably calculated via the stats of the pet (more info needed).

Player menu[]

Petz Nursery 2 Player Menu

the player menu.

The player menu gives the player an insight of their current game progression. Not only does it show, how many and which kind of animals the player has raised to the sixth growth stage already, but it shows the caregiver rank of the player aswell.

To see the player menu the player has to select the clipboard in the toolbar and then tap the left symbol (paper with animal footprint).


Petz: Nursery 2 is a game very reliant on minigames. These minigames are used to perform tasks like feeding or cleaning animals, aswell as playing with them. Here is a list of all the minigames, which can be played within the game.

All the mingames marked with a "*" can be played with multiple animals at the same time aswell. This can slighly alter said minigames.

Image Name Use Description
Petz Nursery 2 Feeding Time Newborn Feeding time (newborn) minigame * Feeding your newborn pet At first, the player has to prepare a warm bottle of milk for their pet. They do this by putting milk powder and hot water in a baby bottle (use the touchscreen and tap on said items). Now they can choose to put in a special ingredient (heart, star, sun, lightning or moon). The right ingredient is the one, tha the animal requested in the beginning of the minigame (see top screen of DS). Choosing the right one will result in an extra heart. Choosing the wrong ingredient however will result in a broken heart. Once this is done, the player needs to put the lid on the bottle (touch lid via touchscreen). Now they need to pick the bottle up (tap bottle on touchscreen) and shake it (hold and drag bottle over touchscreen in rapid motions) until the bar on the left is filled. After that, the player has to blow on the hot bottle, to cool it for their pet (gently blow air into microfon). The perfect temperature is when the bar on the left turns yellow (red is too hot, blue is too cold). when the bar turns yellow, the player has to put the teat cap on the bottle (touch cap via touchscreen).

Now onto the feeding part. The player will now be able to bottlefeed their pet (hold bottle via touchscreen and bring it near to the pet). The player should take care, that the bottle isn't held to high or low, since that can cause the small animal to spill or dissable it to drink properly. But no worries the pet will warn them before that happens. Now the owner just needs to wait for the bar on the left to fill up to the top. Sometimes the animal demands a petting break mid eating. After that, the player just needs to pick the bottle back up and continue the feeding process.

Petz Nursery 2 Bath Time Newborn Bath time (newborn) minigame * Cleaning your newborn pet Before cleaning the animal, the player has to prepare a wet cloth. They do so by rinsing the cloth (hold and drag cloth up and down over touchscreen) and wringing it out afterwards (hold the wheel on touchscreen and spin it).

After that, the animal can be cleaned with the cloth (wait until the pet has the cleaning speech bubble, then softly swipe over it on the touchscreen with the cloth until glitter appears). The pet will be clean once the big glitter animation plays.

Petz Nursery 2 Good Night Minigame Good night minigame * Singing/Rocking your pet to sleep First, the player will be able to choose one out of three lullabys (Twinkle, twinkle little star/Rock-a-bye baby/Brahm's lullaby). then they can choose whether they want to sing their pet to sleep or rock them in the cradle.

If they choose to sing to them, then they will have to quiety sing their pet to sleep (sing or hum the selected tune into the microfon. Don't be too loud.). If they choose to rock them in the cradle, they will have to move the cradle back and forth in slow and steady motions until their pets fall asleep (slowly swipe back and forth on the touchscreen continuously).

Petz Nursery 2 Balloons Minigame Balloon minigame Raising your pets music stat In this minigame, the player has to blow the balloons into the air, before they can reach his pet (blow into the microfone whenever a balloon comes close to the pet). The closer the balloons are to the pet before their owner blows them back into the sky, the more points are optained.
Petz Nursery 2 Crawl Minigame Crawling minigame Raising your pets walking stat This minigame is all about crawling. The player has to guide their pet with a rattle (hold on touchscreen and make rapid movements) along a path of toys to win with the highest possible score. The green notes above the animals head show how secure it is in it's "steps". If they turn red, the player should either stop for a second or at least slow down a bit, so that the pet won't fall. There are two different maps for this minigame. One is a bit easier (see picture) and the other one is more advanced with multiple paths and obstacles to avoid.

Image Name Use Description
Petz Nursery 2 Feeding Time Minigame Feeding time minigame * Feeding your pet To feed their baby pet, the player first has to select two ingedients for the upcoming meal. Then they need to crush the ingredients in a bowl for the animal (tap the food bits on the touchscreen until they are all crushed. Continue until glitter appears). After that, the food is ready for the pet. Now the player has to allow their pet to eat (tap on the "eat" button over the animal on the touchscreen). While the pet is eating, it sometimes makes a mess and throws crumbs everywhere. The player just needs to clean this up before the animal has finished it's meal (tap the broom speech bubble on the side of the touchscreen and swipe the crumbs out of the sceen).
Petz Nursery 2 Bath Time Minigame Bath time minigame * Cleaning your pet To clean their baby pet, the player needs to soap them in with foam first (hold the shampoo bottle on the left of the touchscreen and drag it over to the animal. Now move the bottle up and down to scatter foam over your animal). If foam gets into the pets face, it will shake, causing foam to fall of again. When enough foam is applied, the animal will form a speech bubble with a sponge in it. this is a sign for the player to scrub their pet with the sponge (hold the sponge in the middle of the touchscreen and drag it over to the animal. Now move in circular motions. You will know if it works, if the foam is turning darker.).If the player moves the sponge to rapidly over the animal, it will shake. This is a setback to the foam appling. When the pet has enough from the scrubbing, it will request the shower head. this is an invitation to shower all the foam off the animal (hold the shower head on the right of the touchscreen and drag it over to the animal. hold it slightly over the animal and move horizontally until all the foam is gone). If thhe player holds the shower head oover the animals head for too long, the animal will run out of the screen. The player needs to call it back then (tap the touchscreen a few times until the animal is back).
Petz Nursery 2 Good Night Minigame 2 Good night minigame * Singing/Rocking your pet to sleep First, the player will be able to choose one out of three lullabys (Twinkle, twinkle little star/Rock-a-bye baby/Brahm's lullaby). then they can choose whether they want to sing their pet to sleep or rock them in the cradle.

If they choose to sing to them, then they will have to quiety sing their pet to sleep (sing or hum the selected tune into the microfon. Don't be too loud.). If they choose to rock them in the cradle, they will have to move the cradle back and forth in slow and steady motions until their pets fall asleep (slowly swipe back and forth on the touchscreen continuously).

Petz Nursery 2 Walking Minigame Walking minigame Raising your pets walking stat This minigame is very similar to the crawling minigame. The player has to guide their pet with a rattle through a path with obstacles (hold on touchscreen and make rapid movements). However, this is easier that it sounds, because the path that the animal runs is predetermind. While on the path, the player can decide if they want to lead their animal by an obstacle or not. In both cases, the player will gain points. If they decide for the obstacle route, then their animal will be distracted by an object and refuse to move forward. To regain control of the situation, the player has to use the rattle more rapidly, until the animal is focused on the rattle again. This minigame has 3 different stages with each another difficulty.
Petz Nursery 2 Music Minigame Music minigame * Raising your pets music stat In the music minigame, the player has to memorize a sequence of 2 to 8 instruments played in a row by their animal and play it out after (tap the instruments on the touchscreen in the right order). For every instrument guessed right, the player will get points.
Petz Nursery 2 Toy Time Minigame Toy time minigame * Raising your pets playing stat The toy time minigame, the player has to throw toys at their animal (push the toys upwards, out of the touchscreen), so that they can headbutt them into the right boxes. The boxes chance rather quickly, meaning that the player needs to pay attention,, which toys they are throwing. They will get points for every toy that landed in the right box. The player also needs to throw the toys straight forward, so that the animal is able to get them.


There are different locations in Petz: Nursery 2, which the player can visit. Here is a list of them.

Image Name Decription
Petz Nursery 2 Newborn Room Newborn room This room is only available if the player is raising newborn animals in their nursery. The newborn animals reside in there.
Petz Nursery 2 Baby Room Baby room This room is only available if the player is raising baby animals in their nursery. Here one can find the baby animals. Toys can be put up in this room to entertain the animals.
Petz Nursery 2 Adoption Center Adoption Center In the Adoption Center, the player can adopt animals or sell them. They are also able to change the pets, which are currenty raised in the nursery.
Petz Nursery 2 Shop Shop Here the player can buy food and toys for their pets. The selection of both will grow as the game progresses.


In Petz: Nursery 2 the player has the opportunity to exchange pets with other players. This requires two copies of the game, aswell as two Nintendo DS systems.

Sending an animal[]

To send an animal to another player, the owner of the animal first needs to tap the sixth symbol in the toolbar (the animal sitting on a DS). After that, they have to tap the symbol in the middle (the picture with the blue arrow). Now they can select an animal to transfer to the other player. In order to do that, the selected animal needs an activated Petz Code. Once the animal is chosen, the owner needs to press the blue tick on the bottom right of the screen. After that, they will be asked if they're sure that they want to send their animal away. If so, they have to press the blue tick again. Now they need to activate the DS wireless communications via the blue tick yet another time. After that, they have to tap the blue tick for the fourth time and then wait until the transfer is complete.

Receiving an animal[]

To receive an animal from another player, the player first needs to tap the sixth symbol in the toolbar (the animal sitting on a DS). After that, they have to tap the symbol on the right (the picture with the pink arrow). Here they will be asked if they want to activate DS wireless communications. If so, they have to press the blue tick. Now they need to tap the blue tick again in order to continue and then wait until the transfer is complete.

Petz Code[]

Petz Nursery 2 Petz Code

the Petz Code of Doggo.

In order to send an animal, they need an active Petz Code. To enable an animals Petz Code, the player first needs to tap the sixth symbol in the toolbar (the animal sitting on a DS). After that, they have to tap the symbol on the left (animal on a computer screen). Here they can select an animal to activate their pets code. Once the right animal is selected, the player needs to tap the blue tick on the bottom right of the screen. A Petz Code can only be given to animals in the sixth growth stage.


To get to the settings of the game, the player needs to tap the last symbol in the toolbar (the wrench). Here they can change the sound settings, change the games language or manually save the game. They can also view the credits here.

Delete savefile[]

To delete their savefile, the player has to go to the titlescreen and press the R-Button, L-Button, X-Button, B-Button and SELECT at the same time.


The Beginning[]

The Game starts in the Adoption Center, where the player is suppost to select their first pet.

They can choose between dogs (Labrador Retriever, Dachshund), cats (Persian, American Shorthair) and penguins (Macaroni Penguin, Humboldt Penguin). The player will also be able to choose the gender and the name of it's new pet. The selection of possible pets will grow as the game progresses.

After the player has selected an animal, the game will change it's location to the nursery. Here starts the tutorial of the game.


Once the player arrives in the nursery for the first time, a popup will show, that will say, that their new pet is hungry and that they should take care of them. Here the player will be introduced to the Feeding Time (Newborn) Minigame.

After that, a small cutszene will play, followed by a popup, which says, that the pet has grown and is now able to play. To continue the tutorial, the player must enter the toolbar on the bottom of the screen and select the paw shape. This will introduce them to the Balloon Minigame.

Now with the Balloon Minigame finished, the player will find themself with another popup. This time, it states that the pet looks dirty. So the player has to select the bottle symbol on the toolbar to continue. This will bring them to the Bath Time (Newborn) Minigame for the first time.

With yet another minigame solved, the player will be greeted by a popup yet again. This time, it says that the animal is sleepy and needs to be put to bed. By pressing the pet bed symbol in the toolbar, the player will enter the Sleeping Minigame. Here they can choose between 3 lullabys and if they want to sing their pet to sleep or rock them in the cradle.

After some time playing, the player will be asked via popup, if they would like to adopt a second pet to keep the first one company. After that point, the game turns into an open end type of game.


As stated by IGN, Petz: Nursery 2 was announced at the 2010 Games for Everyone Lineup by Ubisoft on July 8th 2010 to be a release for this years holiday season.


Currenty Petz: Nursery 2 has a 4 stars rating on GameFAQs (last updated 2024).

There is not much known about the general reception of the game, since no game critics or companys rated it shortly after release. But since a lot of new Petz Games dropped in the same time period as said game, it is to be expected, that the market was overwhelmed by the mass of new games. This is probably the reason why it went rather unnoticed.


  • Even though there is a lion featured on the cover, there is no possibility to own a lion in the game.
  • The maximum animal capacity is 20, however there are 22 different animals available. This means that the player can at no point own every animal in the game.
  • The animals weight in the games is measured in "apples".
  • If the player spends lots of time in the nursery just watching their animals, then their pets sometimes start to wander around (even behind the sofa) or interact with different things in their surroundings.
  • Animals have favourite foods. This shows at the feeding time minigame with an extra heart, when the favourite food has been put in the pet's meal.
  • Sometimes after petting an animal, the player will be able to pick their pet up.

External links[]
