Parasol Kirby

Parasol Kirby is one of Kirby's copy abilities, originally introduced Kirby's Adventure. Kirby wields a red and white parasol, with this ability that can be used as both a weapon and a defensive item. When Kirby jumps the parasol slows his fall and allows him to glide through the air. It is mainly obtained from umbrella themed enemies or creatures carrying parasols such as Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo.


Parasol is a weapon-type Copy Ability that gives Kirby a red and white parasol. Although it may look dainty and delicate, it is actually a very versatile weapon. The parasol can be used to bludgeon enemies or spear them with the five-pointed star on the tip and the canopy is sturdy enough to act as a shield when opened.

Kirby's Dream Course[]


The following enemies give the Parasol ability when inhaled

  • Parasol Waddle Dee (Nothing if it lets go of the Parasol)
  • Parasol Waddle Doo (Beam if it lets go of the Parasol)
  • Parasol
  • Sasuke
  • Klinko
  • Bukiset (Holding a Parasol)
  • Jumpershoot
  • Paint Roller's drawn parasol

