
Pandoria is a Blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She can grant tremendous power to her Driver named Zeke. She uses the element of Electricity in battle and has a special link with Genbu, the Titan on which the Kingdom of Tantal is located to the point of allowing her to communicate with it and even give it orders if she want to.

Appearance and personality[]

Her appearance recalls the steampunk style, wearing an elegant costume consisting of big glasses, a mini top hat made of electric bulbs. Her staff was originally the handle to a sword. In Japanese, she speaks with a Kansai accent.

Blade Specials[]

  • Lv. 1 - Lightning Force - Catch a lightning strike with your wand and throw it out to attack enemies
  • Lv. 2 - Electric Circus - Manipulate an electrified weapon with your wand and attack the enemy
  • Lv. 3 - Thunder Doom - Smash your weapon into the ground for a massive lightning explosion
  • Lv. 4 - Sonic Thunderslash - Power up Driver to strike the enemy at ultra high speed

Blade Arts[]

  • Arts Plus - Boosts power of next Driver Art
  • Recharge Boost - Boosts Arts recharge from auto-attack

Battle Skills[]

  • Quickest Purple - Boosts Arts recharge by 50% at max affinity
  • Thunderblast - Adds a 100% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack
  • Sudden Spark - Increase auto-attack speed by 30%

Field Skills[]

  • Electric Mastery - Lv. 3
  • Lockpicking - Lv. 3
  • Ichthyology - Lv. 3

Affinity Chart[]

Name Tier Effect Prerequisite Amount Flavor Text
Key Affinity Reward 1 Unlocks level 1 of the Affinity Chart. N/A N/A N/A
2 Unlocks level 2 of the Affinity Chart. Increase the trust level 100 "I've gotta get stronger."
3 Unlocks level 3 of the Affinity Chart. Increase the trust level. The affinity bond will be easier to sustain. 1300 "I'm still just getting started! You ain't seen nothing yet!"
4 Unlocks level 4 of the Affinity Chart. Increase the trust level 3800 "I haven't even gotten serious yet. You just wait and see."
5 Unlocks level 5 of the Affinity Chart. Increase the trust level. 8800 "OK, I'm getting serious! Like, actually serious this time! Honest!"
Lightning Force 1 Increases damage dealt to machines by 60% N/A N/A N/A
2 Increases damage dealt to machines by 70% Deal a certain amount of damage in one hit 800 "Even I can handle this much!"
3 Increases damage dealt to machines by 80% Deal a certain amount of total damage 16,000 "You think this is all I've got? My sights're set much higher!"
4 Increases damage dealt to machines by 90% Use Lightning Force 12 "Let me show you just how much I've grown!"
5 Increases damage dealt to machines by 100% Defeat Peerless Beaufort in Leftheria 1 "That wasn't easy...but we won. And that just goes to show how strong I've gotten!"
Electric Circus 1 Increases critical damage by 25% N/A N/A N/A
2 Increases critical damage by 40% Use Electric Circus 7 "Check out what I can do. I haven't been slacking off!"
3 Increases critical damage by 55% Deal a certain amount of damage in one hit 2400 "I feel like my attack's getting stronger. Can't wait to try it out!"
4 Increases critical damage by 70% Defeat a Mabluk Aspar at the Cliffs of Morytha 4 "No matter how many times I fight these things, I can't get over how creepy they look!"
5 Increases critical damage by 85% Use Electric Circus 10 "That went better than I expected. I'm gonna use this one to make battles a breeze from now on!"
Thunder Doom 1 Increases critical damage by 25% N/A N/A N/A
2 Increases critical damage by 40% Defeat a Volff in the Tantal 6 "They looked so fluffy I just wanted to cuddle them! But beating them up works too."
3 Increases critical damage by 55% Use Thunder Doom 6 "Getting pretty good at this, aren't I?"
4 Increases critical damage by 70% Deal a certain amount of damage in one hit 4800 "How'd you like my attack? Made a real impact, don'tcha think?"
5 Increases critical damage by 85% Deal a certain amount of total damage 48000 "Looks like all my hard work's paying off."
Quickest Purple 1 Boosts Arts recharge by 30% at max Affinity N/A N/A N/A
2 Boosts Arts recharge by 35% at max Affinity Raise Affinity in combat 2 "When you put in the effort, you reap the rewards!"
3 Boosts Arts recharge by 40% at max Affinity Raise Affinity in combat 5 "So this is what it means to share a bond of trust!"
4 Boosts Arts recharge by 45% at max Affinity Swim a lot (Previous instances count toward total) 1000 "Just how far does this Cloud Sea go on for, anyway? You want to go have a quick look for me?"
5 Boosts Arts recharge by 50% at max Affinity Finish an enemy 250 "Is it just me, or do these monsters just keep popping up no matter how many of 'em we take out?"
Thunderblast 1 Adds a 60% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack N/A N/A N/A
2 Adds a 70% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack Use Pandoria's favorite pouch items (Meat category) 4 "Ah, meat. De-licious."
3 Adds a 80% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack Perform a Blade Combo 7 "You want to see me get serious?"
4 Adds a 90% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack Perform a Blade Combo 10 "I'll show you why you should be scared of lightning."
5 Adds a 100% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack Evade an attack 250 "Don't get distracted now. Gotta focus and strike when the foe's vulnerable!"
Sudden Spark 1 Increases auto-attack speed by 20% Perform a Driver Combo (It’s enough to just be present) 10 "I got a whole lot stronger! The bad guys of Alrest better hide."
2 Increases auto-attack speed by 22% Use a Blade Art 5 "I'll back you up."
3 Increases auto-attack speed by 25% Use a Blade Art 6 "I feel like I can really help out a lot now."
4 Increases auto-attack speed by 27% View the Heart-to-Heart "What's in a Name?" in Tantal N/A "Whew, Pyra really did a number on my prince there. He'll need some time to recover from that burn!"
5 Increases auto-attack speed by 30% Find a Secret Area (Previous instances count toward total) 12 "Hey, doesn't discovering all these amazing places make us kind of amazing, too?"
Electric Mastery 1 The Power of an Electric Blade N/A N/A N/A
3 The Power of an Electric Blade Defeat a Linka Skeet at the Cliffs of Morytha 5 "I can feel myself getting stronger, and it feels pretty good!"
5 The Power of an Electric Blade Defeat an Indoline Sentinel at the World Tree 4 "If it's lightning you need, I'm your gal!"
Lockpicking 1 The power to open various things. Works on doors, treasure troves, etc. Use a Blade Art 3 "I get a new power? Aw, you shouldn't have!"
2 The power to open various things. Works on doors, treasure troves, etc. Open a treasure trove 50 "I'll open anything, you name it! Well, maybe not quite anything..."
4 The power to open various things. Works on doors, treasure troves, etc. Open a treasure trove 200 "I'll open anything, you name it! And I mean it this time!"
Icthyology 1 Knowledge related to fish. N/A N/A N/A
3 Knowledge related to fish. Collect fish 25 "This was a learning experience."
5 Knowledge related to fish. Collect fish 30 "I am the fishmaster! Like, I know a lot about fish. You know what I mean."

Favorite Items[]

  • Item types: Meats, Literature
  • Specific items: Fried Octomayo, Moonstar Lipstick


  • Her name seems to be based on Pandora, a character from the greek mythology.