Overcoat(JP) is a Pokémon ability introduced in the fifth generation.
The ability holder does not take damage from sandstorm or hailstorms. In the sixth generation, it also protects from powder and spore moves as well as the ability Effect Spore.
Pokémon with the Ability[]
Solosis | Duosion | Reuniclus | Vullaby | Mandibuzz |
Enamorus (Therian Form) | Varoom | Revavroom | ||
As a Hidden Ability[]
Shellder | Cloyster | Pineco | Forretress | Shelgon |
Burmy | Wormadam | Sewaddle | Swadloon | Leavanny |
Escavalier | Shelmet | Jangmo-o | Hakamo-o | Kommo-o |