
Orbeetle is a Bug/Psychic type Pokémon introduced in the Eighth generation games, Pokémon Sword and Shield. It evolves from Dottler at level 30. It is the final form of Blipbug. It has a Gigantamax form.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Orbeetle is a beetle-like Pokémon with a large head that resembles the body of a ladybug. Its shell is red with seven dark blue spots and a black underside. Six of these seven spots can glow, making concentric cyan and white rings. Orbeetle's face is black and white with yellow antennae that resemble eyebrows, cyan eyes with white rings, and a red stripe above its mouth that resembles a mustache. Its actual body is much smaller and is mostly black with thin limbs, red accents on the pelvis and legs, and sharp pointed yellow feet. It has a sharp protrusion on each of its forearms near the elbow, and its hands have two claws each.

Orbeetle are famous for their large brains and high intelligence. Its large brain is proof of the immense psychic power it possesses. Orbeetle emits its psychic powers to study and observe its surroundings, including objects over six miles away. Because of their power, Orbeetle rarely use their wings to fly, but use their psychic powers to lift their entire bodies.

Gigantamax Orbeetle[]

As Gigantamax Orbeetle, its body and brain drastically increase in size to resemble a flying saucer. Its wings disappear when in this form. The spots on its head now perpetually glow in circular cyan and white rings. Underneath Gigantamax Orbeetle's head is five half-orbs, whose colors are black at the base and gradually turn yellow at the bottom. A red ring surrounds the base of each of the half-orbs, which themselves are divided into four by the cyan rings that circle them. At the center beneath Gigantamax Orbeetle's head is a cyan half-orb connected by nine blue lines. The orb has three red clouds floating underneath it and shines a bright spotlight that can move around similar to a flying saucer. The rest of Orbeetle's body is infused into a black orb with blue lines. These lines connect to blue half circles which are connected to the head, arms, and legs.

As a result of Gigantamaxing, Orbeetle's psychic power and intelligence have become overwhelming. Should Gigantamax Orbeetle use all of its power, it can control the minds of every living being within its vicinity.


Main Pokémon games []

Pokémon spin-offs []

In the anime []

In the manga[]


In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entry[]


Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword It's famous for its high level of intelligence, and the large size of its brain is proof that it also possesses immense psychic power.
Pokémon Shield It emits psychic energy to observe and study what's around it—and what's around it can include things over six miles away.

Gigantimax Orbeetle[]

Title Entry
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword Its brain has grown to a gargantuan size, as has the rest of its body. This Pokémon's intellect and psychic abilities are overpowering.
Pokémon Shield If it were to utilize every last bit of its power, it could control the minds of every living being in its vicinity.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald, Dappled Grove
Bridge Field, Dappled Grove, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch (Max Raid Battles)
Pokémon Shield
Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald, Dappled Grove
Bridge Field, Dappled Grove, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch (Max Raid Battles)


Level 10
Level 30

Form Change[]


with Gigantamax Factor
Gigantamax Form
PKMN826 Orbeetle (Gigantamax)

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 60
Attack 45
Defense 110
Sp. Attack 80
Sp. Defense 120
Speed 90
Total 505


Main article: Orbeetle/moveset


Sword Shield

Image Needed
