
Nodons are characters in Game Builder Garage that represent nodes in programming.
Their function is to help the player to understand basic nodes functions by representing them in various ways.
Types of Nodons[]
- Constant
- Button Press
- Stick
- If Touched
- Touch Position
- Shake
- Tilt
- If Face Up
- Rotation Speed
- IR Motion Camera
- Object Break
- On Start
- Calculate
- Map
- Digitize
- Square Root
- Absolute Value
- + - Inversion
- Trigger from 0
- Position - Angle
- Angle - Position
- Angle Difference
- Flag
- Counter
- Random
- Timer
- Bull's-Eye
- Wormhole Entrance
- Wormhole Exit
- Comment
- Sound
- Vibrate
- Reduce Gravity
- Slow Time
- Retry Game
- End Game
- Swap Game
- Marker Display
- 2D Marker Display
- Continuous Marker Display
- Emit IR Light
- Puzzle Clear
- Person
- Car
- Simple Object (Box, Cylinder, Sphere)
- Fancy Object
- Moving Object
- Rotating Object
- Extending Object
- Effect
- Text Object
- Number Object
- Texture
- Touch Sensor
- Destroying Sensor
- Destroyed Sensor
- Grabbed Sensor
- Location Sensor
- Speed Sensor
- Acceleration Sensor
- Angle Sensor
- Rotation-Speed Sensor
- Slide Connector
- Free Slide Connector
- Hinge Connector
- String Connector
- Launch Objects
- Destroy Object
- Teleport Object Entrance
- Teleport Object Exit
- Attract Object
- World
- Game Screen
- Camera
- Camera Position
- Camera Target
- Camera Direction
- Camera Angle
- Head
- Right Hand
- Left Hand
- In the game Bob (GBG) tells the player that Nodons live inside the Nintendo Switch System forming part of the games.
- Puzzle Clear Nodon is the only nodon that can't be used while programming, it is only available at the Checkpoints.