
Nina(JP) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Conquest and Revelation​ paths.




Nina is seen as a self-possessed and reasonable girl who is known for her skeptical thoughts about boys while she has issues interacting with them. Because of these "delusions", this makes her skillful at spying and studing her opponents as seen in her supports. She's also very hospitable towards other women, enjoys watching plays, and loves to write stories. Her birthday is January 31.

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Starting stats and growth rates[]

FEF Nina stat portrait
Outlaw FEF Nina (Outlaw) sprite
Level Template:Hover2
Movement 5Template:Hover2
Recruitment: Abrupt Clash, complete chapter before she escapes the map.

Max HP Varies Speed Varies
Strength Varies Luck Varies
Magic Varies Defense Varies
Skill Varies Resistance Varies

Max HP 30%% Speed 60%%
Strength 55%% Luck 50%%
Magic 35%% Defense 25%%
Skill 45%% Resistance 65%%

Strength -1 Luck +1
Magic +1 Defense +1
Skill 0 Resistance +2
Speed +4

Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 bow Iron Bow Daydream Daydream
Is 3ds locktouch Locktouch
Is 3ds movement +1 Movement +1
Is 3ds outrealm skill Mother's inherited skill*
Is 3ds outrealm skill Niles' inherited skill*
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow D
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff -- Daggers -- 3DSRankStone -- 3DSRankBeaststone --
These are the base growth rates and stat modifiers before inheritance.

FEF Nina stat portrait
Adventurer FEF Nina (Adventurer) sprite
Level 14
Movement 6Template:Hover2
Max HP 28 Speed 31
Strength 22 Luck 20
Magic 22 Defense 12
Skill 20 Resistance 31
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds02 bow Steel Bow
Is 3ds02 bow Shining Bow
Is 3ds vulnerary Concoction
Is 3ds02 staff Mend
Daydream Daydream
Is 3ds movement +1 Movement +1
Is 3ds lucky seven Lucky Seven
Is 3ds locktouch Locktouch
Weapon Levels
3DSRankSword -- 3DSRankLance -- 3DSRankAxe -- 3DSRankBow A
3DSRankTome -- 3DSRankStaff D Daggers -- 3DSRankStone --

Reclassing options[]

Template:FE14 Classes

Growth rates when reclassed[]

Promotion stat gains[]


Skill Learned at
Daydream Daydream Personal skill, innate and unremovable
Is 3ds locktouch Locktouch Innate
Is 3ds movement +1 Movement +1 Innate
Is 3ds lucky seven Lucky Seven Adventurer, level 5 or later
Is 3ds pass Pass Adventurer, level 15 or later
Is 3ds rally skill Rally Skill Bow Knight, level 5 or later
Is 3ds shurikenbreaker Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, level 15 or later
Is 3ds heartseeker Heartseeker Dark Mage, level 11 or later
Is 3ds malefic aura Malefic Aura Dark Mage, level 12 or later
Is 3ds vengeance Vengeance Sorcerer, level 5 or later
Is 3ds bowbreaker Bowbreaker Sorcerer, level 15 or later
Is 3ds seal magic Seal Magic Dark Knight, level 5 or later
Is 3ds lifetaker Lifetaker Dark Knight, level 15 or later

Other Appearances[]

Fire Emblem Cipher[]

Nina makes an appearance in the trading card game, Fire Emblem Cipher, with the following cards.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Nina
Chivalrous Maiden Thief, Nina
Ic TCGCipher Nohr

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Bow

Attack: 50 Support: 10 Range: 2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Adventurer Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Youthful Discernment: [Trigger] [Once per turn] When an enemy It TCGCipher Fly unit is deployed, you may tap that unit.
Wingbane: [Always] While this unit is attacking a It TCGCipher Fly unit, this unit’s attack increases by 30.
Card #B03-091R(+)Artist: daigoman
FE0 Nina B03-092N Delusional Escapist, Nina
Ic TCGCipher Nohr

It TCGCipher Female

Iw TCGCipher Bow

Attack: 30 Support: 10 Range: 2 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Outlaw Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Lecherous Lockpicking: [Activate] Is TCGCipher Tap Reveal the top card of your opponent’s deck. If that card is cost 3 or higher, you may [Flip one bond card] draw a card. If you do, draw one card, this skill is inactive unless there are exactly two ally It TCGCipher Male units on the battlefield.
Wingbane: [Always] While this unit is attacking a It TCGCipher Fly unit, this unit’s attack increases by 30.
Is TCGCipher Attack Thief’s Emblem: [Support] Reveal the top card of your opponent’s deck. You may then place that card in their Retreat Area.
Card #B03-092NArtist: daigoman
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Nina .


Main article: Nina (Fire Emblem)/Supports


Main article: Nina (Fire Emblem)/quotes


Nina - Eye Spy (JP)

Nina put her snooping skills to good use after the war, forming an undercover vigilante group focused on keeping the streets safe at night. She also continued snooping as a personal hobby.
Nina and the Avatar (Conquest)
Avatar was hailed as a hero, working alongside his spouse to spread peace worldwide. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and the Avatar (Revelation)
The two spent the rest of their lives together, Avatar ruling as a wise King of Valla. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Asugi
Asugi stopped appearing in official records, but the Saizo name was passed down at least 100 times. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Dwyer
Dwyer continued to serve as a butler and was highly in demand for his tea-extraction techniques. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Forrest
Forrest assisted his father and uncle while simultaneously revolutionizing the fashion world. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Ignatius
Ignatius was assigned to Nohr's heavy cavalry and instituted many lifesaving safety precautions. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Kana
Scholars believe Kana traveled the world doing good. Most stories of dragons were based on his deeds. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Percy
Percy and Ace served together as knights of Nohr. Records show they never lost a battle. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Shigure
After the war, Shigure traveled the land singing to heal hearts. Love songs were only for his beloved. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Shiro
Shiro went on a long, solitary journey to learn wisdom. As king he completed Hoshido's recovery. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.
Nina and Siegbert
Siegbert traveled the world to gain experience and later succeeded his father as King of Nohr. Once married, Nina gave up her "hobby" for volunteer work and was hailed as a great philanthropist.


  Main article: Nina (Fire Emblem)/gallery


  • The name Nina may originate from the old Slavic word Ninati, meaning "dreamer" or "dream", possibly referring to the delusions or fantasies that she has. Nina can also be a diminutive of, among other names, Éponine. Her name is also a feminine variant of Nino; derived from the times of Saint Nino.
  • Éponine is a character from the novel Les Misérables. She is the daughter of a family of thieves, possibly referring to her class as well. In addition, she was unable to confess her feelings to the man she loved named Marius, relating to Nina's inability to speak with men. It should also be noted, that Éponine rebelled against her father wishes when he was going to steal from the home of the lover of Marius, Cosette. The trait of rebellion is seen with her relationship with Niles.
  • Nina is featured in the Hoshidan Festival of Bonds DLC wearing a Kimono, and is seen with two right feet in her official art.
  • Nina shares her English voice actress in Fire Emblem Fates, Natalie Lander, with Fir (Heroes) and Elise (FatesHeroes).

External links[]
