
Mitama ​is a playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and ​Revelation ​paths.


Mitama is the daughter of Azama and was raised in her own Deeprealm world. Whenever her mother would visit her, she often sang lullabies to Mitama. However, at her young age, she often forgot the melodies and only remembered the words. Mitama's caretakers had a plethora of poetry books, mainly about tanka and haiku. She developed a fascination with crafting haiku in particular. It was noted that her very first haiku was about her mother, though its theme revolved around her longing to see her again.

In her Paralogue, her Deeprealm is attacked by invisible forces. However, Mitama was too fast asleep to even notice that her home was under siege. Luckily, her father had come for a visit and eventually reached her home. After attempting to wake Mitama three times, Mitama finally exits the house and is forced by her father to fight. After the battle, Mitama sees the Avatar injured and promptly goes off to heal them before deciding to head back into her home to sleep. Impressed by his daughter's initiative, Azama forces Mitama to join the army, much to her dismay.
