
The Mighty Octostomp is an Octarian who serves as the recurring boss in the Splatoon series. It is one of the five Great Octoweapon used by the Octarians in battle.


Before the Games[]

The Octostomp was an Octoweapon created during The Great Turf War by the Octarian army. When everything looked victorious for the Octarians, a plug was pulled and caused the Octostomp and the rest of the Octo Weapons to shut down. Nearly 100 years later the Octostomp was powered up again by a Zapfish stolen by DJ Octavio in order to defeat the Inklings and claim the surface.


In Splatoon, the Octostomp is the first boss Agent 3 incounters. It appears in the mission, The Mighty Octostomp!, where they have to dodge its attacks and climb up its body to splat the tentacle. Each time it will remove several panels from its body making it harder to climb. Once Agent 3 has splattered the tentacle a third time, Octostomp will be defeated and explodes.

Splatoon 2[]

In Splatoon 2 The Octostomp is back with new tricks. The first phase plays out normally where Agent 4 must dodge then climb its back to splat the tentacle. In the next phase however, it then gains an uninkable coat with a belt around it and is called the "Neo Octostomp". Now Agent 4 must splat the buckle to remove the coat while avoiding a Splatling and continue from there. In phase 3, it'll once again obtain the coat but now has two extra faces making things more difficult for the hero. After the third tentacle has been destroyed it then, just like last time, explode.

The Octostomp returns a third time in the Octo Expansion, where it has been Sanitized and renamed "Octostomp Redux". It now resides in Drop the Bass Station where it can be battled. The boss battle goes very similar to the one in Octo Canyon with its ink-proof coat but now is able to use the Bubble Blower special. After Agent 8 has splattered the tentacle enough times, Octostomp Redux will be defeated and explode.
