A Valentine's Date?!
Valentine's Melody: Sorry for the delay, everybody—but your trusty maid Melody is finally done with her outfit swap. Ta-daaaaaah!
Valentine's Melody: And in these sweet new threads, I'm ready to get out there and grab Valentine's BY THE THROAT!
Valentine's Melody: Which means it's time for me to hop in the kitchen trenches and help everybody whip up some tasty treats.
Philia: She, uh, seems rather excited considering she only changed because she spilled chocolate all over her last outfit.
Cibella: Ah, but I can understand her eagerness; I rarely have the luxury to take time preparing treats, and I find myself rather excited at the prospect.
Philia: Yeah, but you're normal. In HER case, the moment she gets excited about something, it causes...issues.
Valentine's Melody: I got the eggs and butter and—AAAAH!
Philia: Like I said: issues.
Cibella: The more eager she is for something, the more furious her fall, it seems.
Valentine's Melody: Aw, boo! I broke the eggs...
Philia: That's 'cause you were tearing through the kitchen like your pants were on fire. *sigh* Look, can you stand?
Valentine's Melody: Y-yes... I'll manage...
Philia: Huh?! Eeeek!
Cibella: Melody?! Philia?!
Philia: Owwww! What is your DEAL, man?! I just helped you up, and you toppled right back down again—on ME!
Valentine's Melody: I'm sorry! The floor is all super slippery for some reason!
Cibella: I beg your pardon, ladies, but you might wish to spare a glance behind you.
Valentine's Melody: AAAAAAH! THE STOVE IS ON FIRE!
Philia: Ack! Okay, lemme just... Oh noooo! I can't put it out! There's a bunch of oil or something on the stove!
Cibella: Did you not come in here carrying a large amount of butter, Melody?
Valentine's Melody: Actually, yeah. I did. I wonder where it all went? I had it, then I dropped the eggs, sooooo theeeeen...
Cibella: I believe the butter is currently on fire. I would suggest rectifying this situation with all possible speed, lest we burn down the entire Halidom.
Valentine's Melody: Not to worry! Cleo showed me how to deal with burning oil once!
Valentine's Melody: First, I need a wet towel... Ah, there we go!
Philia: Melody, look out! Your sleeve is caught on that container of—
Valentine's Melody: AAAAAAH! *cough* *hack* *wheeze* P-powdered sugar alert! It's everywhere!
Cibella: Fire and dust... My, but that's a bad combination...
Valentine's Melody: Waaah! I'm so sooooorry!
Cleo: How many times do you plan to engulf my kitchen in flames until you have satisfaction, Melody?
Valentine's Melody: I'm really sorry, Cleo. It was an accident.
Cleo: *sigh* I should have fired you when I had the chance.
Cleo: Well, there's nothing for it: Since you cause nothing but trouble for others, I hereby ban you from the kitchen for the duration of Valentine's.
Valentine's Melody: Wait, so I'm a kitchen exile? Noooo!
Valentine's Melody: *sigh* I only wanted to help...
Valentine's Melody: Still, I suppose this is better than the axe. By which I mean fired, although Cleo looked mad enough to use a REAL axe...
Valentine's Melody: Well, I'll just have to find another way to make myself useful.
Valentine's Melody: Oh, I know! I'll clean everyone's rooms!
Valentine's Melody: Knock knock! Housekeeping!
Euden: Oh, hello there, Melody. Doing some room cleaning?
Valentine's Melody: Yes indeed, master! Er, but if I can pry, what are you still doing in your room? You're usually off fighting fiends or the like at this hour of the day, right?
Euden: I had some things to take care of. Oh, that reminds me!
Euden: Do you happen to know if there's a good jeweler in the area?
Valentine's Melody: There are a few in one of the nearby villages. Er, do you need one?
Euden: I do. See, there's a particular noble family that I'm rather indebted to, and their daughter is coming of age soon.
Euden: I wanted to send them a nice gift for the occasion, and I've been wracking my brain to figure out something appropriate. I thought maybe jewelry would work?
Valentine's Melody: Do you want me to come with you to help pick out something she might like?
Euden: That would be great, actually. Are you sure you don't mind?
Valentine's Melody: Of course not! It's my job to be of service to you in every way!
Euden: In that case, it's a deal. I'll head over there in a couple of days, if that works.
Valentine's Melody: I'll be there!
Euden: Thank you again, Melody. It will be really reassuring to have you with me.
Valentine's Melody: Reassuring? Really? Wow, that's the first time in my maid life that anyone's ever said that about me.
Valentine's Melody: And since he's being so nice, I need to find a way to show him how much I appreciate HIM! I mean, what with it being Valentine's and all.
Valentine's Melody: Okay, but how? I can't just walk up and thank him—that would be SUPER dull.
Ranzal: If yer lookin' what to impress the boss for Valentine's, ya can't go wrong with with a heartfelt present.
Valentine's Melody: A present... That's a fine idea, Ranzal!
Ranzal: Yeah, I'm full of 'em. Oh, and after ya give him the goods, the two of ya can hit a cafe for tea and some'a them little sandwiches what with the crusts cut off.
Valentine's Melody: Oh, this just gets better! That would help him relax from all his daily... Um...
Valentine's Melody: Wait, how long have you been standing there?
Ranzal: Bwa ha ha! Oh, not that long. Just can't help but pipe up when I hear folks monologuin' like ya was.
Ranzal: Still, I never thought YOU'D fall for the boss, too! So what's the plan? Gonna lay yer feelings out in the open, or is this more of a stealth deal?
Valentine's Melody: What? N-no! You have this all wrong! I mean, of course I like my master, but I don't LIKE like him!
Ranzal: Ain't no need to be shy with ol' Ranzal! C'mon, spill the dirt. These big shoulders of mine are great for cryin' on—or we can just plan yer little date!
Ranzal: Melody and the boss, kissin' in a tree! K-I-S-S...uh...S-E...W...? Ah, hell. I can't spell for crap.
Valentine's Melody: STOP IT, RANZAL! This is just a little thank-you—NOT a date!
Valentine's Melody: I mean, sure, it's just the two of us alone on Valentine's, but that doesn't...mean...
Valentine's Melody: ACK! Wait, IS this a date?!