
Melody is a playable character in Dragalia Lost. She is a maid who is devoted to her work despite her clumsiness.

Official Description[]

A devoted maid in perpetual training due to her clumsy nature. There's no way to count how many plates she's dropped or aprons she's burned. Will she ever be able to call herself a maid for true?

Official Description (Valentine's Melody)[]

Melody throws on her best outfit for a Valentine's date! Despite being accident-prone as ever, she's still an optimistic kind of gal. She baked a host of treats for you-know-who and filled them with love, but will her feelings be reciprocated?

Adventurer Stories[]


Adventurer Stories

Valentine’s Melody[]

Adventurer Stories

Official Profile[]

Posted by the Dragalia Lost Twitter account on October 21, 2022.[2]

  • Hobbies: Dressmaking
  • Talents: Cutting sashimi with her blade
  • Likes: Working as a maid
  • Dislikes: Creepy crawly bugs


  1. Melody: I've served as a trainee maid at loads of different mansions. ...For, um, the past eight years, actually.

    Melody: I've been away from my family trying to become a maid ever since I was 12.