
Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat is a 2011 video game, developed by Blue Tongue Entertainment. It focuses around the uDraw tablet. It is based on the cartoon, Marvel Super Hero Squad.


Designed to be played with the uDraw GameTablet, the tablet helps players with attacks, weapons and barricades. Players use the stylus pen to draw their own attacks in order to stop Doom and his evil cohorts.

Players choose from 10 "Squaddies" based on characters from Marvel comic books, including Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Reptil, Captain America, Invisible Woman, and Squirrel Girl (who has not appeared on the T.V. series). Players also solve unique puzzles using the tablet to defeat Doctor Doom. Major Marvel Comics antagonists such as MODOK, Abomination and Red Skull are portrayed as the main villains of Comic Combat.

Featured locations include the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, the Baxter Building, the Vault and the Sanctum Sanctorum. Shaking the uDraw GameTablet will cause a massive in-game earthquake. The game includes a total of six comic book-designed stages and additionally players can earn "hero points", that can be used to upgrade all ten characters.



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