
Magnus von Grapple (or Magnus) is a robot operated by Lord Crump in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. He is the boss of Boggly Woods. Magnus is fought after Mario and the Punies confront Crump at the entrance to the woods; he climbs into Magnus von Grapple and attacks them. His attacks include randomly stomping on top of Mario and his partners, firing his rocket punch, and stomping the ground to create an earthquake.


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door[]

In Mario's hunt for the Crystal Stars, the second star, the Emerald Star, is hidden in The Great Tree of Boggly Woods. The X-Nauts, led by Lord Crump, are already there searching for the star when Mario arrives. Crump allows Mario to find the Crystal Star, and then steals it from him after Mario discovers it at the bottom of the Tree with the help of the Punis. Mario confronts Crump, whom threatened to destroy the Tree with a time bomb. Mario pursues him to the tree's entrance, where he finds Crump being attacked by the Puni Elder. The elder's attack forces Crump to deactivate the time bomb, but he refuses to hand the Emerald Star over. He instead activates Magnus von Grapple and attacks Mario and his party. Magnus fires its rocket punch at Mario, stomps on him, and even stomping ground to creates earthquakes, but Mario prevails over the robot and claims the Crystal Star. The X-Nauts scientist later build a new robot named Magnus von Grapple 2.0, which is much more powerful than its predecessor.

Power and abilities[]

Magnus von Grapple is able to fire both its rocket puncher off and use them as a weapon. When launched, the fists have a HP of two and an attack power of four. Magnus's main attack is to stomp on Mario and his friends, which does only two damage to them. Another of its attacks is to create an earthquake, two damage as well to both Mario and partner.


  • In Super Paper Mario, one of the items on Francis's "things to get" list is a Magnus Von Grapple action figure.
  • Brobot is Magnus von Grapple's Super Paper Mario equivalent. Also, the upgraded version of Magnus is the equivalent of the upgraded Brobot.
  • The earthquake attack works oddly, as Flurrie is immune to the attack, but Koops can not superguard the move, which knocks him over, while Mario and Goombella can.