
Lokix is a Bug/Dark type Pokémon in the franchise of the same name. It evolves from Nymble starting at level 24.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Lokix is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon which resembles a locust. It is primarily dark gray, with glossy black colorations on the head, thorax, lower abdomen, forearms, lower legs, and third set of legs. Its face is covered in a mask-like plate, and contains a pair of black triangular antennae with two white stripes on top, along with orange triangular eyes and a triangular notch on its chin. Its thorax and abdomen are separated by a white belt, with an X-shaped pattern at the front. It has a pair of white claws on each of its hands, and a single claw on each foot. Its forearms have an orange spike each, while its calves have two orange spikes protruding towards the back.

Behind Lokix's body is its third set of legs, attached to its abdomen. These legs are oblong with a symbol resembling the general prohibition sign on the outside of the joints, and connect to thin, rectangular forelimbs. Each of the forelimbs have five orange spikes and a single white claw at the bottom. Lokix usually keeps its third set of legs folded on its back; however, it can unfold these legs to enter what is known as its Showdown Mode.

In Showdown Mode, Lokix stands and jumps on its now-unfolded third set of legs, and swings them to attack. Lokix utilizes its Showdown Mode to fight all-out, being capable of quickly subduing its foes in this mode. However, it cannot be in Showdown Mode for too long, as it places a huge strain on its body.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

In the anime[]

Origin & Inspiration[]

Lokix appears to be based on a grasshopper, particularly those of the locust variety, which are notably larger than other grasshopper varieties and have a swarming phase. Its inability to fly also brings to mind the meadow grasshopper, which, unlike most grasshopper species, cannot fly and traverse solely by hopping. Its Dark typing could be derived from the fact that grasshoppers and locusts are generally considered to be pests, and its debut in Paldea may refer to the fact that southern Iberia is the only region in Europe to be affected by locust plagues. It may also be based on pygmy mole crickets due to its coloration and rounded features. The way its third set of legs fold up resembles pocket knives; and its kick-based fighting style may be inspired by tae kwon do.

Lokix also appears to be based on the superheroes of the Kamen Rider franchise. The titular Riders from the franchise typically have an insect motif (most closely associated with the grasshopper); have a belt which is used to transform into the masked superhero; usually have a limitation on how long the character can hold the transformation; and all of them have a finishing attack which is known as a Rider Kick. All of these elements are present in the design of Lokix.

Lokix may be a combination of locust and kicks, or a pun on low kicks.

In-game Information[]

Pokédex Entries[]

Title Entry
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet When it decides to fight all out, it stands on its previously folded legs to enter Showdown Mode. It neutralizes its enemies in short order.
Pokémon Violet It uses its normally folded third set of legs when in Showdown Mode. This places a huge burden on its body, so it can't stay in this mode for long.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Area Three, Area Four, Area Five, Area Six, Alfornada Cavern, Pokémon League
East Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three
West Province: Area Two, Area Three, Asado Desert
West Province: Area One (Fighting Tera Type)
North Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three, Casseroya Lake, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain
Area Zero
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Area Three, Area Four, Area Five, Area Six, Alfornada Cavern, Pokémon League
East Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three
West Province: Area Two, Area Three, Asado Desert
West Province: Area One (Fighting Tera Type)
North Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three, Casseroya Lake, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain
Area Zero


Level 24

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 71
Attack 102
Defense 78
Sp. Attack 52
Sp. Defense 55
Speed 92
Total 450


Main article: Lokix/moveset



Scarlet Violet



  • No other Pokémon has the same type combination as Lokix.