Poster of the series.
List of episodes of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, the second anime series of Pokémon the Series, based on the Third Pokémon generation. The series had Ash Ketchum going through Hoenn to take part in the Hoenn League, and later, the Kanto Battle Frontier. May, a Pokémon Coordinator, Max, her younger brother, and Brock, returning from the previous series, are his companions.
- Get the Show on the Road!
- A Ruin with a View
- There's no Place Like Hoenn
- You Never Can Taillow
- In the Knicker of Time!
- A Poached Ego!
- Tree's a Crowd
- A Tail with a Twist
- Taming of the Shroomish
- You Said a Mouthful!
- A Bite to Remember
- The Lotad Lowdown
- All Things Bright and Beautifly!
- All in a Day's Wurmple
- Gonna Rule the School!
- The Winner by a Nosepass
- Stairway to Devon
- On a Wingull and a Prayer!
- Sharpedo Attack!
- Brave the Wave
- Which Wurmple's Which?
- A Hole Lotta Trouble
- Gone Corphishin'
- A Corphish Out of Water
- A Mudkip Mission
- Turning Over a Nuzleaf
- A Three Team Scheme
- Seeing is Believing!
- Ready, Willing, and Sableye
- A Meditite Fight
- Just One of the Geysers
- Abandon Ship!
- Now That's Flower Power!
- Having a Wailord of a Time
- Win, Lose or Drew!
- The Spheal of Approval
- Jump for Joy!
- A Different Kind of Misty!
- A Poké-BLOCK Party!
- Watt's with Wattson?
- What You Seed is What You Get
- Love at First Flight
- Let Bagons Be Bagons
- The Princess and the Togepi
- A Togepi Mirage!
- Candid Camerupt!
- I Feel Skitty!
- ZigZag Zangoose!
- Maxxed Out!
- Pros and Con Artists
- Come What May!
- Cheer Pressure
- Game Winning Assist
- Fight for the Meteorite!
- Poetry Commotion!
- Going, Going, Yawn
- Going for a Spinda
- All Torkoal, No Play
- Manectric Charge
- Delcatty Got Your Tongue
- Disaster of Disguise
- Disguise Da Limit
- Take the Lombre Home
- True Blue Swablu
- Gulpin it Down
- Exploud and Clear
- Go Go Ludicolo!
- A Double Dilemma
- Love, Petalburg Style!
- Balance of Power
- A Six Pack Attack!
- The Bicker the Better
- Grass Hysteria!
- Hokey Poké Balls!
- Whiscash and Ash
- Me, Myself and Time
- A Fan with a Plan
- Cruisin' for a Losin'
- Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend
- That's Just Swellow
- Take This House and Shuppet
- A Shroomish Skirmish
- Unfair-Weather Friends
- Who's Flying Now?
- Sky High Gym Battle!
- Lights, Camerupt, Action!
- Crazy as a Lunatone
- The Garden of Eatin'
- A Scare to Remember!
- Pokéblock, Stock and Berry
- Lessons in Lilycove
- Judgment Day!
- Clamperl of Wisdom
- The Relicanth Really Can
- The Evolutionary War
- Training Wrecks
- Gaining Groudon
- The Scuffle of Legends
- It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!
- Solid as a Solrock
- Vanity Affair
- Where's Armaldo?
- A Cacturne for the Worse
- Claydol Big and Tall
- Once in a Mawile
- Beg, Burrow and Steal
- Absol-ute Disaster
- Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt!
- Do I Hear a Ralts?
- The Great Eight Fate!
- Eight Ain't Enough
- Showdown at Linoone
- Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?
- Date Expectations!
- Mean With Envy
- Pacifidlog Jam
- Berry, Berry Interesting
- Less is Morrison
- The Ribbon Cup Caper
- Ash and May! Heated Battles of Hoenn!! (clip show, unaired outside Japan)
- Hi Ho Silver Wind!
- Deceit and Assist
- Rhapsody in Drew
- Island Time
- Like a Meowth to a Flame
- Saved by the Beldum
- From Brags to Riches
- Shocks and Bonds
- A Judgment Brawl
- Choose It or Lose It!
- At the End of the Fray
- The Scheme Team
- The Right Place and the Right Mime
- A Real Cleffa-Hanger
- Numero Uno Articuno
- The Symbol Life
- Hooked on Onix
- Rough, Tough Jigglypuff
- On Cloud Arcanine
- Sitting Psyduck
- Hail to the Chef
- Caterpie's Big Dilemma
- The Saffron Con
- A Hurdle for Squirtle
- Pasta La Vista!
- Fear Factor Phony
- Sweet Baby James
- A Chip Off the Old Brock
- Wheel... of Frontier!
- May's Egg-cellent Adventure
- Weekend Warrior
- On Olden Pond
- Tactics Theatrics!!
- Reversing the Charges
- The Green Guardian
- From Cradle to Save
- Time-Warp Heals All Wounds
- Queen of the Serpentine!
- Off the Unbeaten Path
- Harley Rides Again
- Odd Pokémon Out!
- Spontaneous Combusken!
- Cutting the Ties that Bind!
- Ka Boom with a View!
- King and Queen for a Day!
- Curbing the Crimson Tide!
- What I Did for Love!
- Three Jynx and a Baby!
- Talking a Good Game
- Second Time's the Charm
- Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! (Part 1)
- Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! (Part 2)
- All That Glitters is Not Golden
- New Plot - Odd Lot!
- Going for Choke!
- The Ole' Berate and Switch!
- Grating Spaces!
- Battling the Enemy Within!
- Slaking Kong
- May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
- Thinning the Hoard!
- Channeling the Battle Zone!
- Aipom & Circumstance!
- Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!
- Duels of the Jungle!
- Overjoyed!
- The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!
- Pinch Healing!
- Gathering the Gang of Four!
- Pace - The Final Frontier!
- Once More With Reeling!
- Home is Where the Start Is!