
Note: This page is being removed in exchange for each conversation being on the characters' pages. For more info on the change contact User:Rocketslime 1 1.

This is a list of Fire Emblem Awakening Support Conversations.


Avatar: Can I ask you something, Chrom?
Chrom: Uh-oh. Should I be nervous?
Avatar: When you found me collapsed and without memory, why did you take me in?
Chrom: Well... Because you were collapsed and without memory?
Avatar: That's it? Pity was your reason?
Chrom: Isn't that enough?
Avatar: Did you never stop to consider if it was some kind of trap?
Chrom: Heh, that's what I have Frederick for.
Avatar: But, why didn't-
Chrom: Avatar, if I see someone hurt or in need, I'm going to help them.
Chrom: That's just who I am, and there's no changing it.
Chrom: Or would you rather I'd left you there, face down in the muck?
Avatar: No, of course not. I'm thankful for what you did, I truly am.
Avatar: But it scares me all the same.
Avatar: Chivalry and longevity don't often go hand in hand.
Chrom: Ha! I wish I had a gold coin for every time I got this lecture.
Avatar: I can only offer advice, I'm afraid. You really should be more careful in the future.
Chrom: I'm sorry, but no. If it happened again today, I'd do the same exact thing...
Avatar: But-
Chrom: Peace, Avatar. I have heard your counsel, and I know you mean well.
Chrom: But as I said, this is who I am. I can't change that, nor would I want to.
Avatar: I... I understand. If that is your decision, then so be it.
Avatar: Just do try and be careful, Chrom. For my peace of mind, if not your own?
Chrom: I will. I promise.
Avatar: Chrom! Are you all right?
Chrom: Er, yes, I'm fine. ...What's got you so excited?
Avatar: I heard you were attacked behind the mess tent!
Chrom: Pfft! Some local thug approached with a dagger, but he bolted when I drew iron.
Chrom: It was dark... The poor fellow probably thought he was mugging a merchant! Ha!
Avatar: You challenged him alone?!
Chrom: Well, I wouldn't say "challenged," exactly. More like "shooed away."
Chrom: Can't very well just leave that sort around the camp now, can we?
Avatar: By the gods, Chrom! Please, I beg you, do not take any more of these foolish risks.
Chrom: Hah! You do realize we're at war, right? Just walking onto the battlefield is a risk.
Avatar: I don't fear anyone besting you head-on; I fear you being stabbed in the back!
Avatar: Many of our enemies do not share your sense of honor.
Chrom: Do you really think some random cutpurse would get the better of me?
Avatar: Shall I list every hero who said that before being poisoned, sniped, or snared?
Chrom: Well, I don't think a list is necess-
Avatar: You're our COMMANDER, Chrom...
Avatar: Battlefield victories mean nothing if an army loses its leader.
Avatar: You are no longer simply your own man. You stand for all of us.
Chrom: Enough... You have a point. You're you always are.
Chrom: I will be more careful. Thank you, Avatar.

Avatar: I hear you've been going on patrol with a couple of the men.
Chrom: Only to patrol the immediate area.
Avatar: ...You know what I'm going to say, don't you?
Chrom: That it's too risky, and I need to be more careful. Yes, thank you, mother.
Avatar: But if you know this, then why-
Chrom: Look. I understand enemies could be lying in wait to try and kill me...
Chrom: But there could also be others who need my help!
Chrom: There's a war going on, and people are suffering. I can't ignore them. I won't.
Avatar: So why not send your men to search for these hapless innocents?!
Chrom: Because.
Avatar: Becauuuse...?
Chrom: Because...of you.
Chrom: If I hadn't been there-if Frederick alone had found you-would we have ever met?
Avatar: ...Probably not.
Chrom: You see? And it's not just you, Avatar. It's everyone like you.
Chrom: I know going out there exposes me to danger, and I haven't always been careful.
Chrom: But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to connect with the people. To forge bonds.
Avatar: Bonds? Between who?
Chrom: You and me. Me and the others. The villagers we've met, the world we've seen...
Chrom: Such bonds are the true strength of this army. Without them, we're lost.
Chrom: Others may disagree, but that's one benefit of leadership: I make the final call.
Avatar: It's hard to argue when you use me as your example.
Avatar: But at least let me come with you.
Chrom: So you can watch my back?
Avatar: That's part of it, yes.
Avatar: But I also want to be there when you find the next me, face down in a field.

Avatar: I want to help you make this army stronger. I want to help you forge new bonds.

Sumia: Oh! There you are!
Chrom: Hello, Sumia. Did you need something?
Sumia: Um, no. Avatar is just looking for you.
Chrom: Oh, right. The strategy meeting. Poor Avatar does love to...
Sumia: Chrom! Are you all right?
Chrom: Y-yes, I'm fine. I just tripped on a pebble. Gods, how embarrassing.
Sumia: It's because you're so exhausted! You've been working too hard lately.
Chrom: I'm fine, Sumia. And besides, we're all tired. Such endless fighting wears on everyone.
Sumia: Chrom, you've no need to don a brave face for my sake.
Sumia: You carry twice the burden of anyone. It's only natural you're exhausted.
Chrom: Heh. You're kind to say so.
Chrom: But in truth, everyone looks to their commander for inspiration and strength.
Chrom: An army is only as stalwart as its leader. The instant I show weakness, we're through.
Sumia: It must be so hard for you...
Chrom: I' fine. And please, don't speak of this conversation to anyone. All right?
Sumia: N-no! Of course not! I would never-
Chrom: Ha ha! At ease, Sumia. And stop worrying so much!
Chrom: It'll take more than a few battles to bring this soldier to his knees.
Sumia: I know! You're the greatest warrior that I've ever...
Sumia: Huh. I just realized something.
Chrom: What is it?
Sumia: You trusted me with a secret! It's our first secret together!
Chrom: Um...yes, I suppose it is.
Sumia: Don't worry. My lips are sealed tighter than a bear trap.
Sumia: ...So long as you promise to take a nap before the strategy meeting!
Chrom: ...What?
Sumia: I'll just tell Avatar that you've been delayed.
Chrom: And if I don't agree to your terms?
Sumia: Then I'll tell everyone the mighty Chrom was bested by a mere pebble!
Chrom: That sounds like blackmail...
Chrom: Still, I suppose a short nap couldn't hurt.
Sumia: Ooh, it's so thrilling to be able to help out like this!
Sumia: Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Sweet dreams!
Chrom: That girl has a strange knack for getting her way...

Sumia: Chrom? Where are you? Hel-LOOOOO?
Chrom: ...I'm right here, Sumia.
Sumia: Oh! There you are. Um, I baked you a pie.
Chrom: Really? Well, this is a surprise. ...Mmm! It smells amazing!
Sumia: You've been working so hard recently, I thought you must be tired...
Sumia: My mother used to bake me rhubarb-and-fiddlehead pie, and it always perked me up.
Chrom: Rhubarb and...fiddleheads?
Chrom: No mutton? Or goat? ...Or bear? I usually prefer a bit of meat in my pies.
Sumia: Absolutely not! Meat is the last thing you need when your body's worn out!
Sumia: A stick of rhubarb will clear your bowels and get you right as rain in no time.
Sumia: That's what my mother used to say anyway - and she was always right!
Chrom: Heh. Old Nurse Nan used to say the same when I was young.
Sumia: See? They can't both be wrong. Now eat your pie while I go clean your smallclothes.
Sumia: I see quite a pile forming on the far side of your cot there!
Sumia: ...Well? Go on! Don't mind me now - just eat your pie!
Chrom: Er, well, if you insist.
Chrom: ...Gods, I HATE rhubarb.
Chrom: But if Sumia thinks it'll make me feel better, I suppose I should force it down...
Chrom: Mmm? Hey, this isn't bad... In fact, it's delicious!
Chrom: ...Well, that was about the best pie I've ever had.
Sumia: ...Hel-LOOOO? Chrom? I'm baaaaaack! Oh, have you finished already?
Chrom: I did, and it was amazing!
Chrom: Usually rhubarb makes me queasy, but not this time! What's your secret?
Sumia: Oh, nothing special. Just a bit of spice here and a pinch of herb there...
Sumia: You can make something taste like anything if you know the tricks.
Chrom: Well, Sumia, I'm more than impressed. You're a true wizard of the kitchen.
Sumia: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it. Now then! How about a cup of elderberry tea?
Chrom: Hold on! You made me a pie, so I should be making YOU tea.
Chrom: Just let me boil some water here...
Sumia: Oh. Chrom...
Sumia: This is too much. Really.
Sumia: Hee hee! I knew he'd love the pie!
Sumia: Especially since it took me 15 tries to get it right...

Sumia: Chrom! Hel-LOOOOOO?!
Chrom: Oh, hey, Sumia.
Sumia: Look! I baked you another pie.
Chrom: Sumia, you are too much. Where do you find all the time and energy for this?
Sumia: Oh, it's nothing. Really! Hardly any trouble at all.
Sumia: Except for finding veggies. ...And grinding flour. ...Oh, and kneading dough.
Sumia: But apart from THAT, it's easy as...well, pie! I like doing it. Really. Honest.
Chrom: Well, if you say so.
Sumia: Oh, I do say so! And today I made an extra big one so we can eat it together!
Chrom: A pie shared with friends is twice as tasty. Or so my old Nurse Nan said.
Chrom: ...Listen, Sumia. I'm...I'm sorry. About bringing you into all this, I mean.
Chrom: You deserve better than a battlefield, but right now that's where I need you.
Sumia: Oh, Chrom... It's an honor and a privilege to serve you.
Sumia: Besides, serving as a soldier isn't all bad. There are lots of things I like about it.
Chrom: Truly? Like what?
Sumia: Well, the horses are fun!
Chrom: You mean the pegasus? Er, pegasuses?...Pegasi?
Sumia: Those too! I just love swooping through the sky - it's so exhilarating.
Sumia: But I like looking after them even more. Combing manes, brushing teeth...
Chrom: You do spend a lot of time in the stables, now that I think about it.
Sumia: I do hate that they have to fight. When I see them in the thick of battle...
Sumia: I know we need them if we're to win this war. It can't be helped.
Sumia: But, it makes my heart ache every time I see such a beautiful creature hurt.
Chrom: I don't know what to say, Sumia. Except to thank you again.
Chrom: Thank you for all the sacrifices you're making for my sake.
Chrom: I swear that I will do everything in my power to end this war quickly.
Chrom: And I promise to build a peace that will endure for generations.
Sumia: I know you will, Chrom. And I'm going to help you do it!

Chrom: Sumia?
Sumia: Oh, hello, Chrom.
Chrom: I...I was looking for you. Have you been here long?
Sumia: Actually, I'd just finished baking a pie. I was about to go...look for you.
Chrom: I don't deserve more of your pies, Sumia. You're being too kind to me.
Sumia: Hee hee! Oh, not at all. I LIKE looking after you!
Chrom: Not as much as looking after the pegasi, I wager.
Sumia: No, not as much as... Wait! NO! I MUCH prefer looking after you!
Chrom: Listen, Sumia. I was looking for you because...I have a favor to ask.
Sumia: You don't have to ask for favors. I'll do anything your heart desires...
Chrom: Er, see, I was hoping... If you were willing... Maybe you might do me the honor... Um...
Sumia: Do you want more pies? Because I'll bake till my hands fall off!
Chrom: P-pies? No, er, what I'm trying to say is... I'm thinking of the rest of our lives and...
Sumia: You want pies every day until you die? Well, that's a tall order, but if you-
Chrom: This is not about pies! Just listen!
Sumia: ...Muh?
Chrom: S-sorry, Sumia. This isn't how I thought... Oh, I'm ruining this whole thing!
Chrom: What I want to ask is...will you grant me the honor of...being my wife?
Sumia: Chrom?! Are you...proposing?
Chrom: Yes! You've done so much for me... Your kindness has warmed my heart.
Chrom: And somewhere between the fifth and sixth pie I thought to myself...
Chrom: "Chrom, you must marry this woman and make her happy for the rest of her life!"
Sumia: I...I don't know what to say.
Sumia: But in truth, I've felt the same way since the very first pie...before that, even.
Sumia: I've known from the start that nothing made me happier than...being with you.
Sumia: But, I never dreamed... Not in a thousand... I mean, me? Marry royalty?!
Chrom: You shall be the finest royal bride the realm has ever seen!
Chrom: Er, that is...if you consent?
Sumia: Of COURSE I'll marry you!
Chrom: No words ever rang as sweet!
Chrom: But now we must make it official. Will you wear this for me?
Sumia: B-but this ring bears the crest of the royal family of Ylisse!
Sumia: Are you sure I'm allowed such a treasure?
Chrom: This was crafted to commemorate my birth, and later given to me by my father.
Chrom: Since my earliest days I have planned to bestow it to the woman I would marry.
Chrom: It is yours now. A symbol of our everlasting love and affection.
Sumia: Oh, Chrom, I'm...I'm so honored. I will treasure it all of my days.
Chrom: Then our future is sure to be filled with happiness and pies, both!
Sumia: Oh, yes! We shall have pies morning, noon, and night!

Sumia: Er, but would you mind terribly if we hired a cook?


Avatar: Can I ask you something, Chrom?
Chrom: Uh-oh. Should I be nervous?
Avatar: When you found me collapsed and without memory, why did you take me in?
Chrom: Well... Because you were collapsed and without memory?
Avatar: That's it? Pity was your reason?
Chrom: Isn't that enough?
Avatar: Did you never stop to consider if it was some kind of trap?
Chrom: Heh, that's what I have Frederick for.
Avatar: But, why didn't-
Chrom: Avatar, if I see someone hurt or in need, I'm going to help them.
Chrom: That's just who I am, and there's no changing it.
Chrom: Or would you rather I'd left you there, face down in the muck?
Avatar: No, of course not. I'm thankful for what you did, I truly am.
Avatar: But it scares me all the same.
Avatar: Chivalry and longevity don't often go hand in hand.
Chrom: Ha! I wish I had a gold coin for every time I got this lecture.
Avatar: I can only offer advice, I'm afraid. You really should be more careful in the future.
Chrom: I'm sorry, but no. If it happened again today, I'd do the same exact thing...
Avatar: But-
Chrom: Peace, Avatar. I have heard your counsel, and I know you mean well.
Chrom: But as I said, this is who I am. I can't change that, nor would I want to.
Avatar: I... I understand. If that is your decision, then so be it.
Avatar: Just do try and be careful, Chrom. For my peace of mind, if not your own?
Chrom: I will. I promise.
Avatar: Chrom! Are you all right?
Chrom: Er, yes, I'm fine. ...What's got you so excited?
Avatar: I heard you were attacked behind the mess tent!
Chrom: Pfft! Some local thug approached with a dagger, but he bolted when I drew iron.
Chrom: It was dark... The poor fellow probably thought he was mugging a merchant! Ha!
Avatar: You challenged him alone?!
Chrom: Well, I wouldn't say "challenged," exactly. More like "shooed away."
Chrom: Can't very well just leave that sort around the camp now, can we?
Avatar: By the gods, Chrom! Please, I beg you, do not take any more of these foolish risks.
Chrom: Hah! You do realize we're at war, right? Just walking onto the battlefield is a risk.
Avatar: I don't fear anyone besting you head-on; I fear you being stabbed in the back!
Avatar: Many of our enemies do not share your sense of honor.
Chrom: Do you really think some random cutpurse would get the better of me?
Avatar: Shall I list every hero who said that before being poisoned, sniped, or snared?
Chrom: Well, I don't think a list is necess-
Avatar: You're our COMMANDER, Chrom...
Avatar: Battlefield victories mean nothing if an army loses its leader.
Avatar: You are no longer simply your own man. You stand for all of us.
Chrom: Enough... You have a point. You're you always are.
Chrom: I will be more careful. Thank you, Avatar.

Avatar: I hear you've been going on patrol with a couple of the men.
Chrom: Only to patrol the immediate area.
Avatar: ...You know what I'm going to say, don't you?
Chrom: That it's too risky, and I need to be more careful. Yes, thank you, mother.
Avatar: But if you know this, then why-
Chrom: Look. I understand enemies could be lying in wait to try and kill me...
Chrom: But there could also be others who need my help!
Chrom: There's a war going on, and people are suffering. I can't ignore them. I won't.
Avatar: So why not send your men to search for these hapless innocents?!
Chrom: Because.
Avatar: Becauuuse...?
Chrom: Because...of you.
Chrom: If I hadn't been there-if Frederick alone had found you-would we have ever met?
Avatar: ...Probably not.
Chrom: You see? And it's not just you, Avatar. It's everyone like you.
Chrom: I know going out there exposes me to danger, and I haven't always been careful.
Chrom: But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to connect with the people. To forge bonds.
Avatar: Bonds? Between who?
Chrom: You and me. Me and the others. The villagers we've met, the world we've seen...
Chrom: Such bonds are the true strength of this army. Without them, we're lost.
Chrom: Others may disagree, but that's one benefit of leadership: I make the final call.
Avatar: It's hard to argue when you use me as your example.
Avatar: But at least let me come with you.
Chrom: So you can watch my back?
Avatar: That's part of it, yes.
Avatar: But I also want to be there when you find the next me, face down in a field.

Avatar: I want to help you make this army stronger. I want to help you forge new bonds.

Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Avatar. ...Again!
Avatar: Ready!
Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably.
Frederick: The pace of your progress is remarkable.
Avatar: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks...
Avatar: I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now...
Avatar: But... S-so tired...*huff* I think I'm dying...
Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so.
Frederick: Otherwise you might as well die here- you won't last long on the battlefield.
Avatar: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless...
Avatar: But you... You've hardly broken a sweat?
Frederick: I should certainly hope not.
Frederick: If a little training winded me, I would be in shape to serve Chrom.
Avatar: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance.
Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires...
Frederick: Then, whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such...
Frederick: Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it?
Avatar: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...)
Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something?
Avatar: Er, nothing important!
Avatar: But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire.
Avatar: It'll be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto!
Frederick: ...Instant forest fire.
Avatar: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen...
Avatar: In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like-name it and it's yours.
Avatar: You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet.
Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something.




Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Avatar. ...Again!
Avatar: Ready!
Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably.
Frederick: The pace of your progress is remarkable.
Avatar: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks...
Avatar: I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now...
Avatar: But... S-so tired...*huff* I think I'm dying...
Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so.
Frederick: Otherwise you might as well die here- you won't last long on the battlefield.
Avatar: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless...
Avatar: But you... You've hardly broken a sweat?
Frederick: I should certainly hope not.
Frederick: If a little training winded me, I would be in shape to serve Chrom.
Avatar: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance.
Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires...
Frederick: Then, whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such...
Frederick: Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it?
Avatar: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...)
Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something?
Avatar: Er, nothing important!
Avatar: But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire.
Avatar: It'll be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto!
Frederick: ...Instant forest fire.
Avatar: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen...
Avatar: In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like-name it and it's yours.
Avatar: You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet.
Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something.




Sumia: Oh! There you are!
Chrom: Hello, Sumia. Did you need something?
Sumia: Um, no. Avatar is just looking for you.
Chrom: Oh, right. The strategy meeting. Poor Avatar does love to...
Sumia: Chrom! Are you all right?!
Chrom: Y-yes, I'm fine. I just tripped on a pebble. Gods, how embarrassing.
Sumia: It's because you're so exhausted! You've been working too hard lately.
Chrom: I'm fine, Sumia. And besides, we're all tired. Such endless fighting wears on everyone.
Sumia: Chrom, you've no need to don a brave face for my sake.
Sumia: You carry twice the burden of anyone. It's only natural you're exhausted.
Chrom: Heh. You're kind to say so.
Chrom: But in truth, everyone looks to their commander for inspiration and strength.
Chrom: An army is only as stalwart as its leader. The instant I show weakness, we're through.
Sumia: It must be so hard for you...
Chrom: I' fine. And please, don't speak of this conversation to anyone. All right?
Sumia: N-no! Of course not! I would never-
Chrom: Ha ha! At ease, Sumia. And stop worrying so much!
Chrom: It'll take more than a few battles to bring this soldier to his knees.
Sumia: I know! You're the greatest warrior that I've ever...
Sumia: Huh. I just realized something.
Chrom: What is it?
Sumia: You trusted me with a secret! It's our first secret together!
Chrom: Um...yes, I suppose it is.
Sumia: Don't worry. My lips are sealed tighter than a bear trap.
Sumia: ...So long as you promise to take a nap before the strategy meeting!
Chrom: ...What?
Sumia: I'll just tell Avatar that you've been delayed.
Chrom: And if I don't agree to your terms?
Sumia: Then I'll tell everyone the mighty Chrom was bested by a mere pebble!
Chrom: That sounds like blackmail...
Chrom: Still, I suppose a short nap couldn't hurt.
Sumia: Ooh, it's so thrilling to be able to help out like this!
Sumia: Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Sweet dreams!
Chrom: That girl has a strange knack for getting her way...





Stahl: Thanks for training with me today. That was a great session.
Sully: Ha! Giving up so soon? What a wimp!
Stahl: Er, what?
Sully: How can you call yourself a knight if you crap out so soon?
Sully: The legendary knights who served Marth would never give up so easily.
Stahl: You mean Cain and Abel?
Stahl: The "Bull" and the "Panther" from the old stories?
Sully: That's the kind of strength we need to win this war.
Sully: And it's the kind of strength I aspire to.
Stahl: Well, sure. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a hero of legend and song?
Stahl: I just don't think I have it in me. I'm more of a...mellow type.
Sully: Ha! Then take that attitude over to the kitchen, ya damn scullery maid.
Sully: I plan to run circles around those rusty old legends.
Stahl: Heh! You're something else.
Stahl: But perhaps I could stand to be a little more forceful in my training.
Sully: Damn right! I won't stop until I'm built like the Bull!
Stahl: Ha ha! I'm sure you'll...
Stahl: Wait, you're the Bull in this scenario?
Sully: You got a problem with that?
Stahl: No, no! No, that's...just fine.
Stahl: I guess that makes me the Panther, huh? Yeesh. I've got my work cut out for me...





Stahl: Thanks for training with me today. That was a great session.
Sully: Ha! Giving up so soon? What a wimp!
Stahl: Er, what?
Sully: How can you call yourself a knight if you crap out so soon?
Sully: The legendary knights who served Marth would never give up so easily.
Stahl: You mean Cain and Abel?
Stahl: The "Bull" and the "Panther" from the old stories?
Sully: That's the kind of strength we need to win this war.
Sully: And it's the kind of strength I aspire to.
Stahl: Well, sure. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a hero of legend and song?
Stahl: I just don't think I have it in me. I'm more of a...mellow type.
Sully: Ha! Then take that attitude over to the kitchen, ya damn scullery maid.
Sully: I plan to run circles around those rusty old legends.
Stahl: Heh! You're something else.
Stahl: But perhaps I could stand to be a little more forceful in my training.
Sully: Damn right! I won't stop until I'm built like the Bull!
Stahl: Ha ha! I'm sure you'll...
Stahl: Wait, you're the Bull in this scenario?
Sully: You got a problem with that?
Stahl: No, no! No, that's...just fine.
Stahl: I guess that makes me the Panther, huh? Yeesh. I've got my work cut out for me...



