
Lego DC Super-Villains is a Lego-themed action-adventure video game developed by Traveller's Tales, which serves as a spin-off to the Lego Batman trilogy and the fourth instalment in the Lego DC franchise. Unlike the Lego Batman trilogy, this is the first Lego video game to focus entirely on villains of the DC Universe, similar to the villain levels featured in Lego Batman: The Videogame. The game was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on 16 October 2018 in North America and 19 October worldwide.

With the core gameplay following the same style of past Lego titles, the game features a customised character in the game's story. The game also features a two-player cooperative multiplayer mode. The game's storyline centers around villains from the DC Universe as they battle against a group of superheroes from another universe.


Lego DC Super-Villains is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, alternating between various action-adventure sequences and puzzle-solving scenarios. The game itself operates with the same level of gameplay mechanics from the Lego video games, as well as elements from the Lego Batman Trilogy, focusing on a mixture of levels consisting of two modes - story and free roam - along with open-world elements in between levels, featuring a selection of locations from the DC Universe, including condensed versions of Gotham and Metropolis. Like the previous titles from the Lego Batman Trilogy, such as Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes & Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, players gain access to a roster of iconic and obscure characters from the DC Universe, each with their own unique abilities.

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