Krokorok is a reptilian Pokémon with a mostly tan body, pink stomach, black back, and long tail. It is classified as a quadruped, though it is more often seen on two legs. It has six thick, black stripes on its body: one at shoulder level, one around its midsection, one around its hips, and three on its tail. Each stripe is topped with a triangular spike on its back. The stripes around its midsection cross two spikes, one on each side of its back. Its arms are short and thin, with a black band around them at the elbow. Each hand contains three short fingers, each with a white claw. Its legs are thick with a band around each ankle, and a stripe above the knee that does not wrap around. Its flat feet each have three white claws. Krokorok's head is ovoid with a long snout, and small eyes surrounded by a thick black membrane. Two of its front and rear teeth are visible overlapping its lower jaw. A black stripe sits on the bridge of the snout just behind its large nostrils.
Krokorok prefers to live in the desert, usually in small groups. The black membrane surrounding its eyes protects them from sandstorms and acts as a thermal detector. This allows Krokorok to see the temperature of different objects, which also gives it exceptional night vision. This enables it to hunt in the dead of night without getting lost. However, it never moves much during the night. A group of Krokorok usually consists of a few individuals. The group is led by a female Krokorok while the males gather food. Krokorok dislikes feeling cold, so it burrows into the desert sand at night. It tends to bury its prey in the sand to preserve them in the event of an unsuccessful hunt.
Krokorok debuted in Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!, where he evolved from the Sunglasses Sandile that had been following Ash Ketchum and his friends. He evolved while battling Ash's Pikachu. Ash later caught him in Battling the Bully!. Later, in Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!, he evolved into a Krookodile.