
Kleavor(JP) is a Bug/Rock type Pokémon introduced in the Eighth Generation game, Pokémon Legends: Arceus. It evolves from Scyther when exposed to a Black Augurite. It is one of Scyther's final forms, the other being Scizor.

Physiology and Behavior []

Kleavor is a mantis-like insect Pokémon with a craggy exoskeleton featuring a rock-like composition. Its predominantly beige and white body is adorned with numerous black rocky protrusions, including a ring of angular rocks on each of its shoulders, a mask of rock lining its brows down to its jawline, two sharp toe claws on each foot, and a single black shard of rock atop the crown of its head. The large wings present on Scyther's back seem to have atrophied into vestigial features on Kleavor. Most notably, each of Kleavor's two spindly front limbs end in large axe-like appendages made of heavy black rock, capable of causing severe damage to the hardiest of foes. Kleavor swings these appendages to carve and chop down trees, marking its territory. It also uses these heavy stone axes to finish off prey.

Kleavor is an evolution of Scyther caused by Black Augurites, which are said to originate from volcanic regions in Hisui but are now extremely rare. The stones that adorn Kleavor's body often get chipped during fierce fights; larger chips are a sign that it is experienced in battle. Stone shards that fell off Kleavor during the battle were known to have been collected and used by the settlers of Hisui to craft tools. Kleavor is known to be very hostile, and it is best avoided if ever encountered in the wild. Kleavor's nature is described as being rough, crude, and violent.

Kleavor is implied to be at the brink of extinction in the present day, only known to be found in Blueberry Academy, located somewhere in Unova's ocean, specifically in its Terarium's Canyon Biome.

A special Kleavor is worshiped by the Hisui people as he is descended from one of the ten ancient Pokémon blessed by Arceus. In particular, he is one of the Noble Pokémon who resides in Obsidian Fieldlands watched by the warden Lian.


Main Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Spinoffs[]

In the anime[]

In the manga[]


Kleavor may be based on a praying mantis with stone axes for forelegs. Due to its coloration, it may be based on a dead leaf mantis in particular. Its stones appear to be based on obsidian, a volcanic glass with a deep black color that produces sharp edges when fractured.

It may also be inspired by the idiom 蟷螂の斧 tōrō no ono (lit. mantis's axe), a figurative expression that connotes a courageous but doomed resistance​. In Japanese, the alternate name for the mantis is 斧虫 onomushi, literally meaning "axe bug".

In-game Information []

Pokédex Entries []

Title Entry
Pokémon Legends: Arceus A violent creature that fells towering trees with its crude axes and shields itself with hard stone. If one should chance upon this Pokémon in the wilds, one's only recourse is to flee.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet Parts of its body turned to stone when it evolved thanks to an extremely rare ore found in volcanic areas.
Pokémon Violet This Pokémon is a rough, crude, and violent sort. It swings around its large, heavy stone axes to finish off its prey.

Game Locations[]

Title Location(s)
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Obsidian Fieldlands: Massive Mass Outbreaks
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Canyon Biome
Pokémon Violet
Canyon Biome


Use Black Augurite

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 70
Attack 135
Defense 95
Sp. Attack 45
Sp. Defense 70
Speed 85
Total 500


Main article: Kleavor/moveset


Legends Arceus

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • Despite having different base stats, Kleavor, Scizor, and Scyther all have a base stat total of 500 (Scyther has a higher base Speed, whereas Kleavor and Scizor have a higher base Attack and Defense). As such, Kleavor and Scizor are the only Pokémon to not have their base stat total change upon evolving.
  • Kleavor, along with Wyrdeer and Ursaluna, are the first cross-generational evolutions that evolve from the original form rather than the regional form to be introduced since Sylveon in the Sixth Pokémon generation.
  • Kleavor is the only Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that can have the Galar symbol, due to Scyther being able to have it.
  • Prior to Version 1.2.0 of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Kleavor's base Attack stat was decreased by 5 points to 130, and its Special Defense stat was increased by 5 to 75. This change was undone when Kleavor became available in those games. Similar occurences happened to Hisuian Zorua and Hisuian Zoroark.


Kleavor has received a primarily positive reception debut. It has been significantly analyzed for various elements of its design, such as in regard to its references to real-world insects and Japanese culture. Its design has also received both praise and criticism comparing to Scyther and its other evolution, Scizor, considering it either a suitable counterpart alongside the other two, or denouncing it as a sign of declining creativity in the Pokémon franchise over the years.

External links[]
